37. Remember me

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We marched through the halls, the air becoming tinged with smoke and alarm. Lily stood by my side and Nolan on my other, guarding me like two soldiers heading into war. The further along we went, the less agents we found surprisingly, and immediately my suspicions were raised; I narrowed my eyes as I rounded a corner, almost as if I was expecting a monster to leap out from the darkness and attack.

Everyone grew uneasy, having sensed the same thing I was feeling. We'd just entered the C Class hall to find it already empty and there were bodies strewn about the floor. Some of them were subject and some were agent, but it was all a massacre still. I gripped Lily's hand as I went, scared not for my safety, but for everyone else's. My eyes caught sight of a figure ahead and I made everyone pause, the tension in the air practically electric.

"Stay together," I whispered, "maybe we can work around him."

"There's something familiar about the man." Kaage said quietly. "I don't like this."

"I don't either."

The figure shifted suddenly and turned to face us. My entire body completely froze, the breath having escaped from my lungs when I saw him; tall figure, strong jaw, and well built, as if for battle. Beyond that I saw dark chocolate hair that had been trimmed down and amber eyes, ones that struck both joy and fear into my soul. He didn't make any motion to alert me of the same recognition and I felt my intuition kick in; it was telling that this whole situation was very, very wrong.


"Lily, no!" I scrambled to catch her as she bolted towards him but she managed to slip out of my grasp. In moments I was up to run after her, but Nolan caught my arm and held me to the spot.

"Agnes, it's a trap!" He hissed, and I whimpered as I watched her go.

"Marshall, it's me! It's-!"

Lily was about to hug him when his eyes landed on her. I saw a flash in his right one while his hand suddenly jutted out and Lily was no longer touching the floor; I let out a scream and tried to run again, but Nolan held me back. Through my frantic shouts and cries I watched as she dropped her knife and squirmed in his grip, only for a loud, sickening crack to echo in the room. Her body was still and I felt my heart shatter when she fell to the floor, limp and motionless. Lily's eyes stared up at the ceiling, a small trickle of blood leaking out from her lips; he'd crushed her windpipe and broke her neck all in one go.

"NO!" I screamed, a telekinetic ripple helping to break me free from Nolan's grip.

I sprinted down the hall, ducking and tumbling as he pulled out a gun and began to fire. I blocked the shots mostly and pulled out Amelia, watching as something flickered in his eyes before I shot him. Marshall was knocked backward but I wasn't surprised to see him get back up. He was wearing riot gear, bulletproof armor covering his body from the neck down. Rage bubbled over in my system and I screamed, pulling out a pistol and firing at his skull.

"YOU WERE SUPPOSED TO PROTECT HER!" I shouted, tears running down my face, "you made me promise, you monster!"

"Subject 0907A, stand down or I will be forced to detain and kill you." He said evenly, the gruff scratch of his voice long gone. He sounded almost robotic.

"What's my name!" I shouted, aiming the shotgun at his head.

"Your codename is Hellfire," he rattled off the information, "and you're becoming a nuisance."

"You're damn right I am," I snarled, flipping the gun around and lunging at him. I slammed the butt of the gun into the side of his head and knocked him down long enough to turn back to the group.

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