33. Reunited

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Three days passed by, all without sight or sound from Thamyris and Murmur. I found myself gazing out the window as daylight turned to dusk and Lily was training in the courtyard with Medusa. Lily's jabs were getting better aimed and more well timed, and I could tell Medusa was having fun with her new little partner. I couldn't help but worry though, seeing as we'd be jumping into this plan headfirst in the morning.

"Watching for your friends again?"

"I'm really worried, Nolan," my fingers tapped against the windowsill as I watched the group, "we have until tomorrow to get things ready. What if they show up while we're gone?"

"Well, maybe if we're lucky they'll show up tonight." He wrapped an arm around my shoulders, and I breathed a sigh of exhaustion as I leaned into him.

"Looks like we'll have to go with plan B, no matter if they do or don't."

"What do we do about the Oracle?" He asked, "we can't let him get out of this alive."

"He'll be with our team, and if we're lucky, someone else will take him out before we have to," I sighed, "I have to admit, I'm starting to get used to the guy."

"Yeah, getting used to him is different than getting to like him though,"  Nolan snorted, planting a kiss on my temple, "how's your head?"

"Better. I still can't believe you didn't get hungover." I snorted, turning around and letting him corral me against the sill.

"You did drink a bit more than I did," he teased, "you still remember what happened after better than I do though."

"Yeah, that's true." I nodded slightly, laughing against his lips as he kissed me. I wrapped my arms around his chest and let him pick me up, placing me on the bed with gentle motions. He didn't throw me down or tear my clothes off, no; he held me tightly against him and rested his head atop mine. Nolan's breath moved the stray hairs poking out of my head and I relaxed against him, enjoying the sound of his humming.

We rested there for a while, watching the sun as it finally dipped below the horizon. The door shut on the bottom floor when Medusa and Lily came in and I watched as Margo left, her whitish form trailing through the snow. Finally Nolan pulled away from me and helped me off of the bed, his hand holding mine tightly as we walked out and down the stairs. Everyone was having a good time; Devorah and Medusa were curled up together on the couch beneath a blanket, with Lily snuggled in happily between them. Crowe was talking to Libra and I was almost surprised to see the creature laughing quietly. Ritter and Kaage were sorting through the weapons in the kitchen and I found it hard not to laugh when I saw Ritter wearing a bulletproof vest. It almost seemed like Lily had tried to dress him up and play army sergeant.

"Getting things in order?" I asked.

"We're sorting through what we need to take and what we can leave behind," Kaage explained, "we'll pack it into the truck and it'll be there when we leave. Most of this is just for if things go bad, because I'm sure if someone saw these rifles on the subway we'd be in for trouble."

"Oracle's guys are blowing a hole in the station wall tonight, right?"

"Right," Kaage nodded, "that way we won't have to wait while they do it tomorrow."

"Sounds like a good plan," Nolan nodded, walking over to the stove and turning it on. He pulled a plate full of venison strips out of the fridge and seasoned them slightly as he waited for it to heat up.

I joined him, pulling ingredients for biscuits out of the cupboard and pouring them into a large bowl. I mixed it up with a wooden spoon while I heard the venison begin to fry, and the moment I was done I pulled out a pan and began to drop small portions of the dough onto the steel. Nolan had turned the oven on while I was preparing them and it beeped the moment I touched the door.

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