27. Isolation

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I came downstairs to find Ritter and Kaage waiting for me and I joined them silently in wait for everyone else; Kaage eyed my new weapon and I gripped it tighter.

"Fancy gun," Margo said from the front room, "she got a name?"

"Amelia," I said quietly, tracing the inscription with my thumb, "Marshall's baby."

"Aye, 'e was a good man," sadness flashed across her bloody eyes, "I miss 'em both."

"I do too Margo." I said supportively, watching as she nodded before turning back around to watch the news.

Footsteps on the stairs caught my attention and I turned around just in time to catch sight of Nolan coming down the steps. For a split second in the shadows his skin looked black and I felt my breath catch in my chest. When he came into the light I could see that he was wearing Necro's army green coat, the one with the tan fluff around the hood; It just about killed me when I saw mismatching socks poking out of the tops of his boots.

"Are we ready to go?" He asked, his voice a little deeper than before, more serious. I ran back into the kitchen and snagged a larger gun, something that looked like it belonged in the military. His eyes widened slightly as I handed it to him, but he took it gratefully.

"We're just waiting on Libra." I told him, just as the creature came tip-toeing down the steps.

"That's everyone," Kaage nodded, "I'll go first."

"Go first?" Nolan asked.

"Well, you don't think we're walking there, do you?" I asked, grabbing ahold of Ritter's hand and placing my gun under my arm. "They teleport. Kaage can't carry people with him, but Ritter can."

"Oh...alright." He gripped my hand tightly as I held it out to him while Libra took up Ritter's other side.


"Whenever you are." I looked up at him, and he nodded.

My entire vision was swept with static for a few moments and I had a slight feeling of dizziness before we finally arrived at our destination. Nolan kept me from falling over and Ritter even held his arms out to catch me like a net. I waved them both off and got to my feet, but not before retching up what was left of my breakfast.

Not everyone handles the travel well, Ritter apologized.

"I'll be fine, don't worry." I gasped, wiping my mouth off and finding blood along with the mess. Ritter pulled a small cloth out of his jacket and handed it to me; I nodded to him gratefully as I held it over my nose.

"It seems as if Kaage as already alerted the group to our presence." Libra spoke up, their hands in the air.

"What makes you think that?" Nolan asked.

"There's guards in the bushes around us," I groaned, and he looked around frantically, "come on, let's go before we give them a reason to shoot us."

He nodded, swallowing his fear and holding his gun tightly. I walked ahead of all of them and kept my shotgun at my side while my other hand held my nose; I saw Kaage already waiting between two armed Skull and Bones members while Oracle stood in front of them. He seemed a little surprised to see me this sick.

"Someone had a hard time coming through," he joked, and I sniffled.

"Teleportation isn't for everyone, I think I'll just stick to telekinesis instead." I announced, pulling the cloth from my face. "Has Kaage already explained our proposal to you?"

"Just about, but I'd like to hear it from your lips instead," he chuckled, "everything always sounds much more dramatic coming from you."

"I'll ignore the quip because we need your help," I said bitterly, "you wanted Nolan because of his powers, but he's human right now. I'm sure you've already guessed that you need The Necromancer instead, but I'm also sure you haven't figured out a way to bring him out."

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