14. Dinner

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I shut myself in my room, locking the door behind me and slipping the coat off of my shoulders. I placed it on the back of an armchair and walked to the bedroom, looking at myself in the tall mirror against the wall. The scab was slowly fading into nothing more than a scar. I prodded it gently, having always been amazed by this effect. Out of everything I'd inherited from Osiris this had to be one of the best abilities. The only thing that really stuck out to me was that...she could've saved herself in that building and I could've dragged her somewhere safe. Maybe she knew though that there were people gathering outside, getting ready to capture anyone still living. Or maybe she just knew it was her time to let go of her stake on this world, but Seth had intervened when she was ready to accept death.

I put my mind off it, instead stripping out of my bloodstained and dirtied clothes and placing them on the bed. I walked back to the bathroom across from the mirror, locking the door behind me and taking a look around; the place was surprisingly clean, with one of those old-fashioned porcelain bathtubs with little stubby legs sitting against the wall. I laughed a little and turned the shower tap on, turning it to the coldest possible temperature. When I stepped inside it still felt like heaven to me.

I scrubbed the dried and flaking blood off of my skin, even picking at the scab slightly and pulling back with apprehension as a small trickle of blood seeped out. I went back to scrubbing my body with my bare hands, washing my skin in the rippling tides. At one point I even stuffed my heel in the drain and let the tub fill up before turning off the water; I sat in there for who knows how long, but it was long enough for the scab to finally peel off on its own and float up to the surface. It was a little gross, I know, but I picked it up and tossed it in the trash can to dispose of it. In the spot now was smooth skin, with a small new line of hieroglyphs slipping across it.

As the water drained out of the tub I pulled myself out of the basin, snagging a dusty terry cloth towel from inside the tiny closet. I shook it out and wrapped it around myself, snuggling into the scratchy material happily. No one had come barging in and I was glad for the small amount of alone time. It gave me some peace and quiet, and time to think about some different things.

I looked at my face in the mirror again. I pressed my mangled cheek into the palm of my hand and squished my skin against my fingers. I couldn't remember what I looked like without them, and honestly I wasn't sure if I wanted to remember. Nolan though, he didn't remember being anything other than human now. I wondered if one day I'd be able to return to it, settle down somewhere and live a life with someone. My heart shuddered in my chest and while it was a nice thought, I couldn't see it ever happening. This was my life now, a monster among the masses. A hero to the rest. The ones that knew the real story, that is, of how I was the one to start this domino downfall of the PASCI corporation.

My fingers brushed against the necklace Nolan had given me, the tassel slightly besmirched and the beads losing their luster, but still I pulled it over my head, alongside Marshall's vial. There was still an empty space at the top of it, where I knew one day I'd return to that site and find his long decayed corpse, and I'd fill it in with his dust so he could be beside them, in body and soul. My fingers squeezed the vial tightly, and I closed my eyes as I held my fist to my lips.

"I swear to God, if not on my life, I will take this corporation down in memory of yours." I whispered before dropping my hand and looking out the window. The sky was still light, although you could tell the sun was getting ready to set.

I turned towards the wardrobe in the room, curious as to what I might find inside it. The doors opened easily but squeaked as I pulled them out wider to get a look at the remains of the former tenants things. It was a woman's closet, with garments like blouses and dresses hanging from the top. I found dressy club outfits and racy velvet shorts as well, along with some tighter tops in more of a fitting style to my own. This girl must have had a good nightlife when she wasn't busy being the head of the household.

The first thing I grabbed out was a black ribbed tank top with a turtleneck, and when I tried to pull it over my head, it fit wonderfully. If I'd had any bigger lumps on my chest it might not have, so I got off lucky. She also had a nice pair of jean shorts in here, something I gladly slipped into. My own were beginning to wear at the seams and have long been destined for the dumpster. I stole a pair of the more dressy velvet gloves, ones that hung around my middle finger and hugged my skin all the way up to my forearms. I felt like I should've had one of those fancy cigarette sticks in my hands and my hair done up so that my curls cascaded over my shoulders.

"This outfit looks good," I smiled, "but I need a nicer pair of shoes for it to look great."

With a wink at myself in the mirror I turned back to the wardrobe, pulling out the drawer beneath it to find underwear on one side, and shoes organized neatly on the other. Mostly heels and pumps, I found a pair of suede boots with short heels and a calf height hidden among the mess. They were a little roomy, but that was better than being a little tight. I glanced at myself in the mirror again and smiled, enjoying the new array of things I had to choose from.

The smell of cooking meat came to my attention and my stomach howled at me. I swallowed hard and walked back out into the living room, snagging the fur coat and tugging it on. I didn't need the warmth, but the sense of royalty went to my head while I was wearing it, and I felt like a queen. And if not a queen, then I was a God.

"Agnes Byrnes," I whispered, "God of the People..."

I marched down the steps, enjoying the regalia and the air of superiority. I tried my best not to let it all go to my head; I was just loving the sensation and knowledge of knowing I was on the same level as the gods now. I could wipe the planet with a sweep of my arm; I could burn it all to cinders with a squeeze of my fist. Margo caught sight of me as I'd reached the bottom floor and whistled, to which I struck a pose and watched as she gawked in awe.

"Aye, you look gorgeous!" She fawned, "that coat makes you look like a movie star!"

"Acting would've been a fun career if I hadn't burned my house to the ground," I snickered, "we were going to run away to California too. Isn't that right Nolan?"

"We were going to live on the beach and eat sushi for dinner, every day," he laughed as he walked by, reaching up and rustling my hair gently, "I'm sure you would've gotten sick of it by the end of the first week."

"Knowing me I probably would've been sick of it after two days." I stuck my tongue out, listening to Margo's giggle as I joined her.

We walked into what appeared to be a parlor where a television was hanging on the wall, large for its time. Crowe and Devorah were lounging on the couches while Nolan was looking through some old DVD's. He picked one out and put it in, and Margo and I flopped down on the only open couch. She looked incredibly tired, I could tell everyone else was looking forward to a good nights rest in the newly acquired bedrooms and beds. Kaage walked in, his shawl having been placed somewhere. He must have felt comfortable enough around us to not wear it.

"Sergei says that dinner is ready."

"We just sat down though," I whispered, my eyes closed as I sighed.

"C'mon, lazy bones." Margo tugged on my arm and I got up with a groan, trudging behind her into the hall.

Sergei dished out plates full of venison and mashed potatoes, ones that you make from the powder flakes. Alongside them was steaming corn and gravy, and all of our eyes widened to saucers. Libra sat at one of the stools at the island and watched with amused eyes as we took our seats at the dining table. I dug into my food gratefully, pausing to savor the taste of it all. Thank God to whoever invented canned goods and evaporated food.

"Where did you learn how to cook like this?" Crowe asked, his mouth stuffed with mashed potatoes.

"A lot of traveling, a few good friends, and a lot of test subjects."

"He means everyone at the old bunker," I pointed to myself, and he winked.

"Damn," Margo said, "if I'd 'ave known you could cook like this, I'd 'ave pinned you down sooner!"

Everyone broke into laughter. Sergei's cheeks were painted in a soft rose as he took to his own plate and Margo was snickering across from him. A giant smile split my cheeks as I watched them, remembering the playful bickering between Necro and I. My eyes flicked to Nolan, only to see that he was looking at me as well; in his eyes were that same, empty stare. My smile faltered slightly and I went to eating silently, wondering if I'd ever be able to look at him again without thinking about Necro.

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