"They always do what?" I ask, ignoring the other three.

"Every time I even talk to a girl, they tease her or me so hard that we can't even be friends." He sighs.

"Aw don't be like that! We're just testing to see who's willing to put up with us, the girl who does will be the right girl!" G explains. I look to Shawn.

"Well it would be nice if you didn't scare off every girl I talk to." He laughs, looking at me. I laugh too, thankful that I didn't have to hide their teasing from him. I don't know why they just decided I like Shawn, and now I just blush because they make me self conscious of the fact that I will blush.

Besides their teasing, I have some fun getting to know the four of them through out the duration of the plane ride. I would have talked to Matthew too but he slept the whole way. By the time our pilot announces our landing in two minutes, I feel like I may have made some new friends. Maybe this summer isn't going to be as bad as I thought.

"Ugh I despise the altitude change." Johnson groans.

"Does he always talk so smart?" I whisper to Aaron. He laughs and hands Johnson a stick of gum. I look out the window as we descend onto the runway.

"I can't wait to land, I need to stretch my legs." I hear Cameron say. I agree with him, I'll be glad to walk around.
At last the plane comes to a stop and the seatbelt sign flashes off. Everyone unbuckles and stands up, digging their bags out from under the seats or the overhead compartment. When I go to grab my duffle bag, I find out that someone has shoved it to the back, and because I'm only 5"4, I can no longer reach it. I stand on my tiptoes and try to grab it, with no avail. I realize I must be holding the line up. I look around for someone to help me.

"Jack, could you help me grab my bag?" I ask.


"Never mind, Cameron? Could you grab my bag for me? Someone shoved it to the back." I say quickly.

"Sure thing shorty." Cameron teases, reaching above me and pulling down my bag.

"Here you go." He says, handing it to me.

"Thanks so much. Short people problems." I joke and begin filing out of the plane. In the airport, I stand with Cameron and wait for everyone else to come out of the plane.

"So, what's life like as Bart's daughter? I take it you've been forbidden to date any of us?" Cameron asks.

"Actually no, he hasn't said anything. But don't get your hopes up." I warn. He grins.

"I wouldn't speak so soon. We're pretty irresistible." Cameron says cheekily.

"Oh I bet you are." I reply sarcastically.

"Hey guys." I see that Matthew has joined us.

"Good nap?" I ask teasingly.

"Fantastic." He replies enthusiastically. Next I see Johnson and Gilinsky come off, followed by my dad and Shawn. Thank goodness Johnson isn't here to bug me about Shawn again. Lastly I see Aaron, Taylor, Nash and Hayes join us.

"Alright boys and Lauren. Follow me and we'll get into the shuttle that will take us to where we are getting our tour bus." My dad says, walking away. Everyone follows obediently. Nash falls into step with me.

Running With The Boys{OG Magcon}Where stories live. Discover now