Chapter Six~ Prank Week! (Part 2)

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At the apartment.

Thursday, 9:45pm.


That night, We were all sitting down in the living room. We were watching 'Finding Nemo' because Louis wanted to watch it. Then, all at once the bell rang. I got up to answer the door. Suddenly a pie flung to my face! I turned to face everyone who was sneering and sniggering. Zayn and Amber Hi-Fived each other and laughed.

"Sorry Jen!" They both said in unison.

I walked over to them and wiped a bit of the pie off my face and shoved it in both their faces "Here! You want some?" I smirked and laughed.

"Mmm, Thanks Jen, But not hungry for pie from your face," Amber had a disgusted look on her face and giggled a bit and pushed my hand away.

"Ya, Me either Jen," Zayn put his hands up and laughed.

I smiled and walked swiftly into the bathroom. I started to scrub the creamy pie of my face and after I wsa done I put the soft towel up to my face. I shut the bathroom door and sat back down, Zayn's arm wrapped around my neck.

Liam and Lana of course decided to watch a horror movie because Liam and Lana both knew that I was so scared of that sort of stuff.

Lana slipped the disc into the DVD player and sat on the ground in front of the T.V. Amber had her hand on Harry's and pushed in close to him, away from Louis. Always when a scary movie was on, Louis always scared Amber, Lana and I so I decided to make Zayn sit in the middle of Louis and I.

At around 1:00am, We finally went to bed. Amber decided to sleep on the couch because she set up a trap in the middle of the floor so if Louis or Zayn came anywhere near her, It was snap them. During the night, Lana snook in the bottom of my bed, put a fake tarantula at my foot and snook back out then back into her own bed.

The next morning, I pulled back the covers when I woke up to reveal a fake tarantula at the bottom of my bed. I screamed and squealed, sprung up and called for Zayn "ZAYN! ZAYN!"

Zayn skidded into the room and stopped "What? What! What happened?!?!" He asked and looked around. He put his hands on my arms




"Just say it, Jen!"

"TARANTULA!" I screamed and ran behind him "On the bed!"

Zayn walked over to my bed and picked up the spider. He rolled his eyes as he sighed "Jen? It's fake," He broke the news to me.

I stomped up to Lana's bed and flicked her on the forhead "Dude!" I scoulded her as if she was a new pet.

"What? What did I do?" She smirked and sat up.

"You put a spider on my bed, I nearly had a heart attack!" I squealed.

"Well you didn't," She bit her nail and half smiled.

When Zayn walked into the sitting room, He got a huge, unexpected surprise from Amber. A trap snapped onto his foot! He yelled with pain "Amber!".

"Heh Heh Hehhh!" She sniggered "Gottcha!"


"You were gonna scare me, So I scared you!" Amber laughed to herself and sat up, she then walked into the kitchen to get some breakfast.

Harry was tip-toeing to Niall's bed. He had a cream pie in his hand, fresh and ready into be pushed into Niall's face.

Harry stood next to Niall, The pie up in the air. Suddenly, the pie slammed onto Niall's face. Niall flung up and smacked Harry's face

"Ha ha ha ha! Gottcha, And why did you slap me?" Harry asked as if he felt nothing.

"Well, You put a freezing cold pie in my face!" Niall said.

"Hello, Liam..." Louis said fiendishly with a spoon in his hand

"L-Louis, You promised you wouldn't!"

"I lied," Louis shoved the spoon in his face and laughed. You could hear Liam's scream from London to New York City!


Woah Guys I'm Done Chapter Six! Now I'm on Chapter Seven!! Thanks soooooo much for the votes and comments (Haha Mostly by Amber and Lana ;D) and reads! Guys I'm sooooooo sorry Chapter Six was Soo short but I honestly will write a long chapter for the next Chapter ;)

And guy's in the comments, Please say who you want to win the Prank crown! ;D

Love You Guys! ;D


Banana Queen (Guys I thought of a new nickname!) Direction Monster! xxx

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 11, 2012 ⏰

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