When I first saw him differently

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I don't know when it happened. His Grey eyes looked into mine... When he said 'I love you. Potter.'

It was right after the summer break. It has been a horrible time. The Dursley's hate me. They hate me so much. I don't know if I should call it abusing. Sometimes it feels like it. I think they just don't like me. They don't like me at all.

I should be used to it.. used to being used as a human punching bag. I am so glad that I can cover up my scars. At least I can do it most of the times.  But back then... I forgot it once. But once was enough. 

Something had changed between us. I mean between Malfoy and me. He seemed not to hate me that much anymore. I understand why he did hate me. When we were only 11. I hurt him.  I saw it in his eyes. I rejected him. I Hurt him while I knew what I was doing.  And I regret it. Because I know he also doesn't have the best home situation.

But after the summer break. Just before school started. Well, I still had to do some shopping for school. So I went to Diagon's Alley. It was raining. It was raining so hard. It felt dark. It was like the weather was showing what I felt inside. "Would someone miss me when I would be gone" I was distracted by my thoughts. And I bumped into someone. And I fell. I fell pretty hard. I looked up. 

O no...I bumped into Draco Malfoy. In Diagon Alley. Also the first place we had met. Now I was going to get it. He looked at me. Stayed quiet for a moment. And he said " Oh Merlin. Potter, I'm sorry', and offered me his hand. 

And this time, this time, I accepted it.

I made a half smile until  he noticed a scratch which opened again, and an old bruise on my arms.

"Potter! You are hurt!" I looked at him and at my bleeding wound. " It is nothing Malfoy. Don't worry about it" I looked at the ground. Terrified. He couldn't find out the bruise wasn't his fault. Otherwise, he would destroy me.

"Come with me, Potter. I know how to fix you up." 

I looked into his greyish eyes. I saw a different side of Malfoy... I think I saw the real Draco for a bit. And not the "My father will hear about this Malfoy". I felt a shiver going over my body when he kept staring at me. He looked so... Worried. He looked so caring... I couldn't say no to him now.

"Well, Lead me the way. Malfoy." And he smiled. 

Draco Malfoy actually smiled.

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