Chapter 24: his confession

Start from the beginning

"Kayleah," Yunan stepped towards me and wraps his arms around me. "I'm a man too you know?"

"Eh?" I muttered and my cheeks heated up immediately. "Wh-Wha-What?!?! Yunan!"

"Ah sorry..." He removes his hands off me and backed off. "Was I too harsh? I just wanted you to know... I love you Kayleah."

"..." I didn't know how to reply. I could sense that he did have feelings for me, but I didn't know how I would feel in return. I just regarded him as a friend all this while.

"You don't need to reply, I know that you just regard me as a friend, but I just wanted to tell you," Yunan said and patted my head. "I'm sorry for shocking you like that."

I'm sorry for being unable to reciprocate your feelings for me... Maybe when this is all over... I would be able to fall in love... But then again, I am not too familiar with the realm of romantic love so I don't know what it would be like.

"I'm sorry, it might take years but... Please wait for me! I will give you an answer!" I replied.

He stared at me for a few seconds and smiled. "Thank you."

It's best I don't stay around here for a while right? I should wait for a while before seeing Yunan again...

"Well then! I will be heading off to Reim since I'm done everything I've come here to do!" I exclaimed.

"You sure that's okay? Last I heard, you aren't exactly on the best terms with the high priest," Yunan asked worriedly.

I laughed and questioned, "Whatever are you talking about? Scheherazade and I are best of friends!"


"For what reason have you come here, Kayleah?" The high priestess of Reim Empire questioned me as a numerous number of guards surrounded me.

Yup, we are on great terms!

"Yo Scheherazade! I'm here to visit you again," I replied with a smile. "How are you doing?"

"Are you here to cause trouble here again?" She sighs. "I know how mischievous you are, especially in Reim..."

"Well I can't help it, the people of Reim are so strong! It's so fun to come now and then to fight in that Colosseum," I laughed.

She sighs again. "It's all right everyone, Kayleah here is just a friend of mine that does not tell people beforehand that she is coming... I swear... how many times do you have to just teleport in the middle of Reim's palace instead of going through the front door and before that, writing me a letter, telling me you are coming? The place is so unprepared for you..."

"It's fine Scheherazade! I mean, even if the entire army of Reim went after me, it's impossible to beat me," I replied confidently. After all, I won the entire troop of the fanalis corp in Reim before. An army wouldn't be any big deal."

"I wish I could say you were wrong... but unfortunately you are right... Beating you is impossible... Which is unfortunate that you are the magi of Sindria instead of taking my place as a magi here..." she sighed.

"What are you saying Scheherazade? You are the only magi for us," Muu who stood next to her said.

"... Yes, I suppose so..." Scheherazade said.

"It's true Scheherazade!" I exclaimed. "Look at how much the Reim Empire has grown over the last 200+ years! It's all because of you."

"Thank you Kayleah," Scheherazade smiled. "Why did you come to Reim?"

I smiled. "To see my friends of course."

"Your friends?" She questioned.

"Yup! You and Alibaba."

"Alibaba?" Muu questioned

"You know who he is, Muu?" Scheherazade asked.

"Well I know of him. He is a gladiator in the Colosseum," Muu replied.

"Oh? Is he?" I smirked. Scheherazade stared at me and sighed.

"What other reason have you come here, it can't be that you are only here to see us," Scheherazade said.

"Well it's also because I'm worried... the rukh has been telling me that something has happened in Kou and not only that but, I've been to Magnoshuttat. Your clone was there," I replied. "What are you planning?"

"Nothing escapes you, huh," Scheherazade sighs. "You are aware right? That Magnoshuttat might be hiding something. They are acting suspicious and I send Titus there to find out exactly what is it they are hiding."

"Is that all?" I questioned.


So she won't tell me about her plans to make Magnoshuttat into a province of Reim...

"You aren't planning to go against Magnoshuttat right?"

"What do you mean Kayleah?"

"A war." I replied bluntly as I averted my eyes away. Unlike a certain Magi, I am not fond of war, it reminds me of Alma Torran.

"Heavens no, my goal is to ally with them, but if it comes to it... I will have to use force..." She says with such seriousness. It will be impossible to change her mind right now. Then how would I change things? Would Aladdin know? But Scheherazade dislikes the idea of war as well, the chances of it happening is not very high. It should be fine.

"Very well then, I'll just hope nothing happens..." I sighed and quickly changed the atmosphere with a quick change of my attitude. "I'll be heading off to the Colosseum then! It was a nice chat Scheherazade, I'll see you later!"

"You are leaving so soon?" She asked.

"Yup, I just can't wait to see him again!" I exclaimed.

"Then I will not make you wait any longer," Scheherazade replied with a smile. "It was nice seeing you again Kayleah."

"Same here," I smiled and waved goodbye as I headed out.


"Muu, keep an eye on Kayleah, we don't want her to destroy the Colosseum... You know how she gets when she fights with a sword..." I sighed.

"Yes Lady Scheherazade."

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