"Well, I'm glad you're ok, that must have been - " He stops mid sentence, looking up to the grey, clouded sky. "Did you feel that? The rain? Or am I going crazy?"

A large drop suddenly falls on my head, and here it is. The rain has started.

I don't think I've seen rain begin this quickly before. There was hardly any spitting, it just started bucketing. 

Harry and I grab our things, and jog slightly towards the back door that's closed. 

I'm getting absolutely drenched, and I'm not a fan of it.

Harry turns the knob of the door, but it doesn't open. He looks at me with perplexity, and I give it a go. No such luck. We're getting soaked now. Harry's hair is sticking to his face, and there is no doubt that mine is too.

"Why is it locked?!" I shout over the volume of the rain. 

Harry opens his mouth to respond, but his voice is overshadowed by the sudden clap of thunder. 

"What is going on?" He knocks on the door profusely, without a lack of laziness. I don't blame him. There is no shelter, and I think I can feel rainwater on every inch of my body. "Hello! Can someone please open this door?!" He shouts through the wood of the door. 

Another clap of thunder.

"What if we get electrocuted! Look at all these trees, Harry, isn't it worse to be around trees because they attract the lightning strikes?" I hope my mascara isn't trickling down my face, though at this point, it's the least of my worries. 

"Is there any other way we can get out?" He asks me, his face full of desperation. 

This is so dramatic.

Even though I am fearing for my life right now, I love it.

"You tell me! I'm not the local!" I scream over the hail that has just started. 

Just my fucking luck.

"Jesus. Calm down, would you?" He runs away from the door, looking for another sign of exit. The only way out is over the fence, but it's pretty high, and I don't think either of us would be able to climb it. 

"Why don't you calm down!" I retort. My heart is pounding. "Shit, Harry - did you see that? That flash of lightning?!"

"It's ok, we aren't going to get electrocuted!" Is that a chuckle I hear? "Hey, wait, there's an outdoor bathroom around the corner! Quickly!" He takes my hand and practically drags me around the side of the building, and into the small bathroom.

"Thank fuck," I breathe, as I sit down on the toilet that has the lid down. Harry just flops to the floor in a bundle of wet clothes.

"I definitely did not see rain, hail, and thunder on the forecast this morning," he laughs. "England is so bloody unpredictable." He shakes his head, beginning to pull of his now soaked red coat.

"Just like Melbourne. Bipolar, I swear. Hey, that looks expensive," I say, motioning to his coat. "Is it ruined?"

"Probably. I'm not concerned though. I have enough coats."

"But that one is red. It's pretty darn awesome." I point out, taking off my own coat. 

"It is pretty wicked." He agrees. "I'll see if the dry cleaners can fix it, but I doubt it."

"How long does rain even last?" I ask, and once I say it, I realise straight away how dumb I sound. "I mean, well...I don't know. Sorry, that was a stupid question."

"Hey, Miller. No question is a stupid question. Remember that," he smirks, obviously poking fun at me. 

"Shush, you," I respond. "Are you ok on the ground? We can swap if you want. I kind of want to lean against a wall anyway." I plop myself onto the ground next to Harry, but he doesn't indicate that he's going to move anytime soon. 

We're silent for a few minutes, until Harry pipes up again. "I'm bored. Let's kiss."

My heart just about jumps out of my throat, and I splutter on my own saliva. 

Yep. My saliva.

"You, what-? Sorry, huh?!" My face is burning and Harry's is looking at me like we've just been talking about what we're going to eat for lunch. Casual as fuck. Unlike me.

"I said, why don't we kiss."

"Are you joking? I'm really confused right now," I say to him, but I can feel his breath tingling the part of my neck that isn't covered, and I'm certain that if he was being serious, I would happily oblige.

"I'm not kidding. I genuinely want to kiss you, Miller. If that is ok with you, of course. I'm jealous of Niall. He's kissed you and I haven't. That doesn't seem fair."

"Um, what? What makes you think you have any right over Niall to kiss me?" I raise my eyebrow, pushing my wet hair back. Harry, instead of answering, decides to take off the left over layers of clothing that he has on his top half, rendering him shirtless, and covered in goosebumps.

Help me. 

I'm in a bathroom with a half naked Harry Styles. 

What more could anyone want in this world. 

"What the hell do you think you're doing?" I ask him, practically speechless. I also spot his love heart tattoos around his nipples, and it makes me laugh. "Oh my god, those are absolutely amazing! Actually the best thing ever!" 

"I know right. Can I see your one?" He playfully pulls on the sleeve of my top, his dimples out for all to see.

Or, just me. Since I'm the only one here.

"You most certainly cannot!" I tell him.

"Well, you're a promise breaker. In our texts, you said you would show me. Besides, I showed you mine, so you have to show me yours. It's the law."

"I didn't ask for you to show them to me!" I retort. This is getting ridiculous. Though in reality, of course I want to show it to him. That doesn't mean I'm going to, though. Not a chance.

"You looked," he points out. And before I know it, he's standing up.

Why is he standing up?

I'm enjoying this banter! Is he mad or something?? Surely not. He opens the bathroom door, pokes his head out, and then closes it again. 

"It's pouring still but the hail has stopped. We should probably wait a bit longer. And kiss."he sits back down next to me, but this time, he's a whole lot closer. And by that, I mean that our thighs are touching - through our clothes, though, obviously. 

And without my brain's consent, I utter the word, "ok."

Harry's not surprised in the slightest. His eyes travel down my face to my red stained lips - they always get puffy and red when I'm cold - and then back up to my eyes.

"You're very pretty," he says, after a few heartbeats. 


I hope he can't hear my heart pounding, right now, or feel it through my body. 

"Ok, well, I'll just..." He whispers.

He places his slightly pruned fingertips on my jawline, and the tension is killing me. The wait is killing me. But I can't believe this is happening. Surely it's not real.

I can smell the champagne on his breath as his face inches closer, and I'm not breathing. In fact, I'm hyperventilating. 

His lips touch mine just as another clap of thunder sounds. 


Sorry it's been a while!!!! Ok, so wow, that escalated quickly! I did not plan any of this when I first started the chapter! I love that when I write sometimes, the characters choose their own path rather than me choose it for them!! It's actually an indescribable feeling! Anyway, I'm quite busy at the moment with school so I'm not sure when the next one will be up, but hopefully soon! I really hope you enjoyed this chapter - please please please, leave any feedback and vote! 

Love you legends xxxxx

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