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Everything was a haze, I honestly couldn't tell what I was feeling right now, it was as if though my body had been hit by a truck and I was still somehow all in one piece and just now waking from the trauma. It took a couple moments for me to open my eyes, the weight from my eyelids begging me to keep them closed and just keep sleeping. As they opened it took a bit for me to really focus on anything and the first thing was an old dim light on the roof that hardly lit up the room.

"Oh my god, she's waking up." Whispers filled my ears from the room I was in and I didn't even flinch for I was too scared of moving a muscle at this point "Go on, go tell him."

"Uhhh." I groaned in pain as I began to slowly move my neck to the side of me and brought my eyes to rest on a woman whom looked to be in her late 20's with a face slapped with makeup and enough clothes just to keep her nipples warm.

"Who are you?" I croaked, my voice so harsh and hoarse from the lack of its use.

"Take it easy, you've been through some trauma." She lent down beside me now and placed a manicured hand on my shoulder.

"Where am I?"

"You're somewhere safe darl', don't you worry, you've been in a coma, do you know your name?"

My heart began to increase its speed within my chest and I felt a lump in the back of my throat beginning to form as everything came flooding back to me. I was in hospital, I was taken there after I had been stabbed multiple times by Frank. Everything was a blur as I struggled to re-collect everything within my mind. Did all of that really happen or was it all just a really bad dream?

"Is this the hospital?" I croaked as I began to sit myself up from the bed.

"Woah, don't sit up just yet." She urged as she tried to keep me from doing so.

I ignored her request and pushed her arms away "Where am I?" I asked, my voice rising now as I began to fill with panic.

That's when it suddenly hit me...Tom.

~There he stood, in the doorway, the most terrified look on his face I had ever seen. "Get off of her!" I heard him yell... Tom was above me, trying to grab a hold of me. He spoke to me but nothing he was saying was getting through. He lifted me from the ground and carried me out the room. It felt like the longest drive of my life to the hospital, in the end I had no idea where I was and what I was doing...I just knew that Tom would keep me safe.~

"Tom!" I softly called out his name, my voice getting caught in my throat "Where is he? Where is Tom?" I raised my voice at the woman now as I staggered up from the bed.

It felt like the lump in my throat was just getting bigger and bigger and my heart was racing now while I began to sweat profusely.

"Tom? Who's Tom?" The woman questioned as she stood up from my bedside now.

I draped my legs over the side of the bed and attempted to stand on my feet but I let out a painful cry and fell back onto the mattress.

"Be careful." She said as she kept her distance from me now.

I looked up at her, complete agony in my blue stained eyes "I need him, please, tell me he is here, please tell me he hasn't left me behind." I let my tears come flowing down my pink cheeks and didn't lose eye contact with the girl as she stared at me confused.

"I don't know who you're on about." Her eyes gave away how perplexed she was by my words .

"Tom!" I slammed my eyes shut and clutched the sheets in my palms as I screamed out his name with every inch of my being.

The woman jolted back with a shock when suddenly the door to the room clicked open and I observed a tall dark man walk in with a small smile twitching at the side of his face as a soft chuckle filled the room.

"Oh baby...don't cry." He walked towards me and I arched backwards from his overwhelming presence.

"Who are you?" I asked, a poison in my voice as I watched his moves closely.

He stayed tall on his feet and only moved to tuck his long dark hair behind one of his ears "I am your new master...don't bother calling out for your sweet Tomi boy, he is dead."

His last three words felt like I had just been punched in the chest "I don't believe you, Tom couldn't be dead." I shook my head from side to side while not once losing eye contact with the man "You're lying!" I yelled at him.

He chuckled again and let his half smile spread across his face now "I promise you I am not" He looked back behind him and clicked his fingers. Another man walked into the room, newspapers in hand. "You see, you've missed out on a lot these past 6 months. I believe not only Tom Kaulitz is dead but Taylor Vatore is also." He chucked the papers at me and I looked away to avoid getting it in my face.

I looked down at the papers sprawled on my lap and gasped at the first headline
'Notorious gang member Tom Kaulitz shot dead after killing spree'.
I grabbed at the papers and began to read: Tom Kaulitz commit suicide today at Ohiyomi hospital around 1.00am in Tokyo after killing many citizens within the hospital. After the death of Taylor Vatore on the operating table Tom was believed to have gone into a rage killing multiple by standers by gun shot wounds. Taylor Vatore was 22 years old and believed to be a part of the notorious gang when she died, cause of death was multiple stab wounds to the stomach, chest and abdomen.

The papers were shaking now as I clasped them tightly "I don't understand" I breathed down the page as my eyes stayed as wide as saucers.

"Let me spell things out for you, you my dear are very important to me, being you were the one thing that we were able to use to get to Tom Kaulitz, you see he's been on my radar for awhile now and after all the SHIT he was causing in Tokyo with Kale and his gang I knew I had to step in and it didn't take long for my girl Kristina to figure out that you were the one causing the man to be so fucking sloppy, so I had to take him out. Now personally Frank took things a bit too far with the stabbing incident but it was exactly what we needed to distract Tom well enough to take him out. You see, those stab wounds that's left a few pretty scars all over your body was not what really killed you. What killed you was our serum that we had made up here in our lab, a serum that stops the heart from beating for over an hour, causing Tom to believe you had died from the stab wounds. Now I planned on having my men take Tom out but from what the police where saying Tom did the job for them, shot his brains out right there on the hospital floor."

"No!" I screamed "He wouldn't! H-he's not that stupid he would know something else was going on!" I ripped at the papers and let the shredded remains lay at rest by my feet.

The man began to laugh "You shouldn't give him so much credit. We have an autopsy report also if you really want to see."

I stared at him not removing my eyes from his as I shot daggers at him.

"I know, it's hard to swallow but you have been in an induced coma for the past 6 months due to the trauma your body had been through from the stab wounds and serum so you have a lot of learning to do. You are still weak but I will be seeing you again in a few days times once you have recovered properly." He turned away from me now and walked out the door where I heard him speak to the woman who was in the room once before "Get her up and walking, I want her ready by Thursday." And with that he left.

A Beautiful Lie - Tom KaulitzWhere stories live. Discover now