Chapter 25: The truth

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I trailed my hands up and down his chest as his tongue roamed my mouth, claiming it as his. His mouth felt foreign after having Niall's moving in time with my own for so long.  My hands connected with Robbie's neck and I pulled lightly at the hairs beneath my fingertips, my tugs getting progressively harsher as his hand went wandering across my body.

The zipper was completely pulled down and I watched Robbie's clouded eyes take in my body as it lay, straddled by his own, completely at his mercy.

I knew this wasn't right. But nothing was stopping me.

Niall's face flooded my thoughts as Robbie ducked down once more and pressed gentle kisses to my neck, gliding down to the top of my dress. He found my sweet spot instantly and I let out a moan. He inhaled against my skin and I locked my fingers in his hair. He knew what he was doing.

With his blue eyes burning into my own, he slowly slipped off one side of the hoodie. I pulled my lip into my mouth with my teeth as I watched his every movement.

The apartment was plunged into semi-darkness as the sun slipped behind a cloud and I gasped softly as Robbie nipped at the skin on my shoulder.

I suddenly became very aware of the Taser sitting heavy in my pocket. He couldn't find out.

After a moment of Robbie's lips devouring my own I plucked up the courage to push him off. His brow furrowed as he moved back cautiously before I flipped him over and straddled his hips, grinding myself down. 

A possessive, lust-filled growl escaped his mouth and I smirked, removing my hoodie and throwing it across the room. It landed in a puddle by the door. The Taser clunked against the wooden flooring, the edge of it protruding from under the fabric. My eyes met Robbie's.

'Phone,' I murmured, before grabbing the hem of his top in my hands and pulling it over his head. My eyes trailed down his toned torso. He was a lot slighter than Niall but he definitely had a body to put many to shame.

I leant forward and mashed our bodies together, my lips touching his chest. He groaned again, his hands sliding down over my bum and pushing it down to meet his hardness. I smirked against his skin, my tongue licking out over the purple bruise I had made.

His fingers shakily fumbled with the zip of my dress, yanking it down and pulling the material up and over my head. His chest vibrated in deep approval as his eyes stared fixed on my lingerie.

'My Daisy,' he murmured seductively, his hands stroking all over my stomach. His calloused hands weren't as big and sturdy as Niall's and they were a lot rougher.

A weight settled itself on my heart as I remembered Niall and his disloyalty to me when I had always been such a strong and trusting character for him. 

Robbie's hands met the middle of my back and pulled me back down towards him so our lips could meet once more. I didn't have the same fervor. 

There are two sides to every coin and I can't just take Robbie's word for it. 

But I still wouldn't be unfaithful to Robbie now.

His hands begun caressing back down to my bum and his fingertips lightly grazed over me. I suppressed a moan and Robbie took this moment to put him back in control. I arched my back as he continued to tease me, his touch only gracing me, leaving me craving more. 

My head pressed back into the pillows and a whimper sounded from my mouth.

'So beautiful,' Robbie commented, kissing along my jaw as his fingers continued their assault. His words didn't mean half as much as when Niall said it.

His fingertip pushed my underwear aside and my hands clawed against Robbie's back, my nails scrapping against his skin as he sluggishly, pushed his first finger into me. I moaned his name.

He took encouragement from my reaction and reached his thumb out to stroke against my-

As another moan fell from my mouth, the apartment door was smashed open, a hazy glow from the hallway pouring into the room. Robbie froze and I flushed in utter embarrassment. 

I dared my eyes to peek over at the door; my heart beat pounding irrationally in my chest.

Robbie leant down to cover me up, his hand withdrawing from me and coming round to support his weight.

All I could see was blue.

An ocean.

A crystal shimmering in the darkness.

My whole body felt rigid with pure mortification. I gasped and allowed fresh tears to wet my cheeks.

The sapphire gaze bore into me, before slipping away to notice the discarded hoodie and dress with the Taser lying half hidden underneath it. 

Then they met my own again. 


Despite everything, seeing him standing there made me feel like it was a sign. He was my savior from something that I had tricked my weak mind into believing was acceptable and right.

He was here to whisk me away and promise me that every word that Robbie had uttered about his vile behavior was false.

My heart yearned for that to be true, however my brain would only allow one part of it to be deemed as correct.

Niall lurched forward from his position at the door and Robbie leapt off of me to meet him. They squared up, Niall's brown hair contrasting deeply to the sickly pale white that painted his face.

'Horan,' Robbie spat, shoving at his chest. 'To what do I owe this pleasure?'

Niall's eyes travelled to his naked torso before rising again.

'To make you regret ever breathing,' Niall's scathing tone bit at my body and I flinched.

Niall's fist was raised and struck Robbie straight in the jaw. He lost his balance momentarily before righting himself but Niall was alert and dodged his comeback punch. Robbie hissed and launched himself at Niall, who skirted behind the white wood coffee table, just in time for Robbie to come crashing down onto it. It split completely in two. 

Blood tinted the edges of the white wood and he got to his feet and went for Niall again. Stepping back, Niall raised his feet and it connected with Robbie's chest. He went flying back against the ground. A straggled cry emitting from his parted lips before his shoulder slammed against a piece of jutting out wood. It pierced straight through his skin, coming out the other side.

I screamed as his head continued to crunch against the floor and he was knocked out cold.

Niall stood panting in his fighting stance. His attention fully on me. I shook my head and struggled to clear my blurry vision.

Niall made no attempt to move. I brought my knees up to my chest and buried my face in my hands. The sobs racked through my body and I could hear Niall shuffle awkwardly on the spot.

I don't know how long I sat there, weeping sorrowfully but eventually the tears dried up and I found valor to meet Niall's eyes.

They were steely but held a softness only for me. It took me a moment to comprehend that the emotion glistening in his eyes above all else was confusion. He couldn't quite decide whether Robbie had forced himself upon me or whether I had freely taken him.

I saw the doubt but at the same time the complete and utter trust.

The thought that I actually welcomed Robbie kept his feet planted firmly on the ground.

'Flower,' he murmured, his voice laced with nothing but benevolence.

I gulped and looked away.

'Tell me what happened,' he probed coming to stand by my side.

'Just get me out of here,' I croaked and Niall shot to work immediately. He quickly snatched the Taser and stuck it in his pocket. He ripped off his hoodie and carefully helped me into it, zipping it up before bundling me into his arms. I wrapped my arms firmly around his neck and clung to him for dear life.

 The mere thought of explaining myself making the tears well up once again.

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