Chapter 23: My Fear

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The gravel crunched under the tyres as we pulled up to the eerie warehouse, the sunlight only lightly filtering through the clouds. Niall hopped out silently and immediately strolled towards the entrance, not once bothering to look back and check on me. After a moment, I collected myself and got out after him with my head spinning and my stomach tight with nerves.

As Niall's figure disappeared inside my mind was hauled back to the first time I ever knew him. The frightening aura that he had held and the way he made me seem so small and insignificant to his life, was all brewing under the surface once more.

It wasn't right.

I ducked inside the doorway and scanned the empty room, my eyes first resting on Sam who was leaning against one of the pillars like before. My rapid heart beat slowed as I made my way over towards him.

'Sup buddy,' Sam chuckled as I settled next to him and a smile broke out onto my face.

'Who said we were friends?' I asked and raised an eyebrow. Sam narrowed his eyes at me and I pursed my lips to stop the smile threatening to take over my lips.

'Oh so you want to play it that way, do you?' He questioned edging closer to me, his tall frame towering over my smaller one.

'Like what?' I tested watching carefully as his head moved down so we were on eye level. He was dangerously close.

'Like this,' he laughed before throwing me over his shoulder and twirling us around. The breath was knocked from my lungs and I wiggled in his grasp, my clenched fists hitting against his back.

'Sam, put me down,' I gasped, continuing to thrash about.

'Only after you apologise,' he shot back and I frowned.

'Apologise for what?'

'Saying we weren't friends.'

Wow this boy was childish.

'Okay fine, I apologise for saying-'

I was cut off abruptly by a voice none other than Niall's.

'What the hell are you doing?'

Gently, Sam lowered me to the ground and I righted my hair and clothing before smacking his bicep with all the strength I could muster.

'Prick,' I hissed whilst attacking him. He smirked and caught my fist deftly in my hand.


'Douche bag.'

'Come on Daisy, do better than that please,' he laughed and I snorted removing my hand from his grasp. Niall completely forgotten.

'Grow up,' I said, attempting to mimick his voice. His eyes widened and then rolled at my failed try.

'IS THIS SOME KIND OF A JOKE?' Niall's furious voice bellowed, plunging the whole warehouse into silence.

I turned round to face him. He was stood a little way away from me, Austin, Ollie and Alfie directly behind him and the rest gathered behind them. The majority of the boys were stood with their arms crossed over their chests, causing their bulging muscles to strain against the material of their t-shirts. Niall on the otherhand looked deadly.

He looked like Scorpion.

His hands were tight, white balls at his sides and his whole frame was shaking in anger. His face was set emotionless but his eyes were darkened and his mouth set straight. He looked menacing.

I shuffled back a step towards Sam and Niall's eyes flashed towards the movement, his pupils flaring.

'Chill out, Niall,' Sam said nonchalantly with a huff. His calmness surprised me. If I had every member of my gang facing me as though they were ready to pounce at any given moment, I certainly wouldn't be so carefree.

'Shut up,' Niall spat. 'How do you expect me to chill out whilst you're standing there all over my girl?'

His tone unnerved me.

And Sam's accompanying laugh scared me senseless.

'You are ridiculous and it's about time you got your head out of your own arse,' Sam shot back, his tanned skin stretching dangerously tight over his knuckles. 'I'm your friend and a fellow gang member and you're acting as if I'm fucking her right in front of you. We respect each other.'

Both myself and Niall winced at his word choice but the meaning behind them put Niall at ease more.

'Just watch yourself,' Niall warned gesturing for me to go over to him. His blue lifeless eyes stared at me, waiting for me to move but I couldn't. In that one moment I could see everything else that he was. A murderer. A criminal. His eyes told the story of his past and he resembled nothing of my Niall. The sweet, lovely boy.

'I want Sam to take me to Robbie's house,' I spoke to Austin who sucked in a breath and ran a hand through his long blonde hair.

'Not my decision Daisy,' he responded and I refused to let my gaze fall onto Niall. I nodded and turned to face Sam. His jaw was clenced and the sprinkling of stubble across his face emphasized the scowl his lips were stuck in.

His eyes were fixed above my head but they slowly slid down to meet my own.


'Will you take me to Robbie's house?' I whispered and his hard eyes softened. He shoved his hands on his hips and looked all around the large warehouse before answering.


'What?' Niall's broken voice came from behind me and I inhaled deeply, turning to face him.

'Your not thinking or acting rationally Niall, just stay here and wait until I come back,' my voice was emotionless and I locked eyes with Ollie who stared back knowingly. He could read my fear.

'I am, I am flower. Come on let's go,' he urged stepping up to me and winding an arm around my waist. 'I'll take you.'

Instinctively, I cowered away. His hands. They were murderers hands.

'Daisy,' his whisper was barely audible.

'I need to go,' I sniffled, the backs of my eyes starting to pinch. He looked so crushed, so broken. His hair was flat against his head and no colour tinted his cheeks. His hands tightened and I blinked rapidly to clear the tears.

'Please,' I murmured and he nodded simply. Leaning forward, he pressed a lingering kiss to my forehead.

'Be safe angel,' he muttered, his face so close to mine I could distinguish between the flecks in his crystal irises.

Another pair of hands gripped my waist and pulled me away from Niall but my eyes were too blurry to see.

'Take care of her,' his Irish voice pleaded and a husky reply confirmed to me that it was Sam. It was Sam leading me to the car. It was Sam taking me to Robbie's rather than Niall. It was all so wrong.

The final thing I heard before the cool morning air hit me once more was the voice of none other than Chase. His voice sounded nervous but altogether knowledgable.

'I know she's so strong Niall, but in that one moment, I have never seen anyone look at you with so much fear in their eyes. Not even your victims,' and that's when the tears broke free.


This is still unedited and very rushed so I apologise for any mistakes. I'll sort them out soon.

Niall Horan: My Bad RomanceDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora