Chapter 4: An unexpected meeting

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I sat in Harry's dining room working my peas around my plate with my fork. I wasn't hungry. In fact, I hadn't been hungry since yesterday afternoon... when I got my letter. Mum hadn't said a word to me about the party; to be honest she seemed a little too normal about it. When I told her about coming to Harry's last night-after she had fallen into the house, drunk and merry-she had immediately agreed, gushing about her love for Helen.

Mum and Anne had been best friends since high school and over the years they had never lost touch. That's why Harry and me were so close; we were kind of shoved together. I sensed Harry's eyes on me, watching me fiddle with my food. He cleared his throat and my headshot up. He pointedly stared at my plate and then up into my eyes probing an answer to his unsaid question. I shook my head and looked down again. I made a pact to myself that I would not tell a soul.

Mum was sitting beside me, chatting animatedly to Anne about her night. She had dragged herself out of bed this morning at 11am, banging around looking for paracetamol. Honestly, at times my mum could act like a teenager. Both of the women were wearing jeans and vest tops, their hair pulled up in ponytails. They were practically twins. 

'Anne, honestly I have not had so much fun in years. Next time you're coming with me,' my mum giggled, sipping her wine.

Anne chuckled and waved her hand dismissively. 'Wendy, it's been too long since I've done all of that, I have the kids to think about.'

'And I don't?' My mum shot back wiggling her eyebrows. 'Come on Harry and Daisy are 16 now, they can have a sleepover or something and Becca'll probably be at her boyfriends house. Come on Anne, let loose!' My mum urged.

'Oh Wendy I really don't know,' she muttered. I looked up at Harry again, he wasn't paying them any attention, instead his eyes stayed locked on mine. 'What do you think guys?'

'Well I think you should go for it. God knows I would if I was old enough!' I laughed and Wendy beamed at me.

'Oh to be 16 again Wendy, I would have killed to go out,' Anne pouted.

'Well newsflash, you're 38, so you don't have to kill anyone to get into the clubs,' my mum said and refilled her wine glass.

'Yeah mum, why not tonight? Me and Daisy don't have school yet so you guys can go out and we'll stay here, watch a movie or something,' Harry burst in and my mum punched the air.

'Harry my boy, this is how I raised you,' she joked and stood up brushing herself off. 'I'll meet you upstairs, I am going to try on some outfits,' my mum said and kissing Harry and me on the cheek she fled the room.

'She is crazy,' I murmured shaking my head.

'Now you see why I'm scared to go,' Anne winked at me and picked up the plates. 'Go on guys, go have some fun and we'll see you in a bit.'


It was only 2.30pm by the time they left, dressed up to the nines with heels and dresses. Harry escorted them out of the door and I could faintly hear him chuckle as he watched them stumble down the path and grab a taxi. He strolled back into the dining room, my phone in his hand.

'Someone has a message,' he stated and handed me my phone.

Robbie: Daisy, I'm heading to the park in a bit, maybe you could join me? x

I sighed and looked up at Harry.

'It's a shame I already have plans,' I said and shoved my phone at him. He read the message and started to type. 

'Hey Harry don't!' I squealed and jumped up. He ran to the other side of the table and I followed him, switching sides to try catch him. Eventually I sat back down and huffed.

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