Chapter 10: Don't go back

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'Chug, chug, chug,' I could hear the girls shouting in time, giggling helplessly. I tipped my head back and gulped every last drop of my drink as quickly as my mouth would allow, coughing and spluttering. It tasted horrible.

'Go on Dais,' Charlie cheered and Lily hit him.

'Don't put her off,' she scolded but then started clapping and jumping around wildly. 'You can do it girl.'

I continued to swallow all of the drink, my head starting to become clouded and my whole demeanor became more giddy and excited. I was on the verge of being drunk. Again. I guzzled the last remnants and slammed my glass down onto the bar, panting heavily. No more, I promised myself, turning to the gang and smiling widely.

'I did it,' I cried ecstatically and they all whooped me. I wiped my mouth with the back of my hand and Louis chuckled, handing me a fresh napkin.

'Thanks gorgeous,' I cooed and Lily giggling, wrapped her arm around his neck.

'Isn't he just?' She exclaimed planting a sloppy kiss on his cheek. Bella and Katie mimicked being sick and Lily shot them a withering look.

'Right so Bella you're not all over Zayn all of the time then?' She questioned and Bella pursed her lips, rolling her eyes.

'And I'm all over myself,' Katie sang, leaning against the bar for support. She was pretty wasted already. I saw Ruby and Liam approach through the crowds and I smiled warmly, my stomach feeling fuzzy with a mixture of love and alcohol. They were truly perfect.

'Well done,' Charlie chuckled, pulling me into a bear hug. 'You did so well.' He kissed the side of my hair and slung his arm around my shoulders, pulling me into him.

'I know I did,' I grinned up at him cockily and he shook his head.

'So modest,' he said and the girls laughed, eavesdropping on our conversation. Ever since we met Charlie last week at Hyde Park they have been obsessing over us getting together. Even Katie had given up any hope of them two getting together, claiming he was 'too tanned' for her pale skin and their poor children may end up getting stuck with her ghostly colour.


'Basically what Katie is saying,' Bella had explained to us all and we sat snuggled in Ruby's house, 'she has already planned her future with this boy but doesn't actually like him.'

We had all burst into fits of laughter. Trust Katie to be so strange.

'Oh don't act like none of you do it,' she hit back defensively. Lily shrugged.

'I haven't even looked past my first date with Louis,' she replied and Katie sighed.

'I do,' I inputted, smiling at Katie warmly, 'just not with Charlie.'

'Then maybe you're not perfect for each other,' Katie pouted.

I rolled my eyes and fiddled with the strings of my jogging bottoms pulling them out so they were the same length on each side.

'Who said they had to be perfect?' Ruby asked skeptically. 'Me and Liam are far from it, yet we make each other happy.'

'I was just joking,' Katie had retorted, whipping out her phone and keeping her eyes and fingers glued to it. She pretty much stayed like that the whole night, grumpy.


It was only afterwards we had discovered that it was Charlie she had been messaging all night and the girls were fuming because of it. I on the other hand was not. Yes I like him, yes he's good looking and yes he is very charming. But he wasn't me. I didn't have any intense feelings for him; he was just a bit of fun. I wanted to be around him a lot and I found his presence quite natural and carefree however I was stuck between thinking of him as a boyfriend or a best friend.

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