Chapter 19: The plan

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I gulped and stared at my feet, not allowing myself to meet his gaze. Disappointment, anger, annoyance, exasperation and finally betrayal were just a handful of the emotions that would be shining in them. I couldn't handle knowing that I had sparked such emotions in him. For a brief moment neither of us moved and I stood holding my breath, praying that he would speak first-break the ice.

But what he did next, knocked the air from my lungs.

He hugged me. His muscled arms clasped my body and pulled it into his own. He dropped his head down to rest against my shoulder and his fingers gripped my clothing, stopping me from having any escape. In my surprise I stayed still as a statue, until finally I wound my arms around his neck. The feeling of his hard body against mine was welcomed and bubble of protection seemed to form around my body. 

Completely pushing the event with Robbie from my mind, I allowed myself to be transported back to when I was happy. When Niall was happy. His hands were stroking my back gently, soothing my taut muscles and relaxing me. He hands slid lower down, gliding over my bottom and resting on my thighs. He grabbed both of them tightly and hoisted me up. Instinctively I wrapped my legs around his waist, my hold on him never breaking.

He lifted his head back to gaze into my eyes and above all of the other emotions flitting through them, sat sadness. He was sad and he needed comfort. He needed me to comfort him. I gently laid one of my hands on his cheek and allowed my thumb to run across the soft skin. He sighed and his glistening blue eyes watched me carefully. A small smile graced my lips and he groaned, bringing his head forward to rest in the crook of my neck. 

'Don't you ever, do that to me again,' he murmured, the pain laced in his voice made my heart break. 'I can't bare to think about never seeing that smile again.'

He inhaled and pulled back again, anguish contorting his features. 'Do I make myself clear?'

I nodded quickly, my heart was pounding. He rested our foreheads together and closed his eyes, his breathing was jagged.

'Flower, I cannot even express the fear that ran through me, seeing you there with a fully loaded gun aimed at your head,' he started, his voice barely a whisper, 'I knew that you weren't bluffing. Daisy I knew that if one of the guys had pulled their trigger you would have done the same.'

'I don't like all this kinda stuff,' I muttered and Niall reached up to tuck a strand of hair behind my ear.

'That's why I'm trying so hard to not get you involved in it,' he whispered. 'But you make that so god damn hard when you freely go talking to people who wanna kill you.'

I shook my head roughly. 'No you don't understand, he doesn't want to kill me, he just wants to explain himself,' Niall rolled his eyes at this. 'He just wants me back.'

All emotion slipped from his face and he stared at me intensely.

'And you wanna go back to him?' he hissed. 

'No I wanted to hear him out,' I retorted smacking my hand against Niall's chest.

'He doesn't deserve that Daisy. He called you a slut, humiliated you in public and then practically aimed a bullet at your head,' I cringed and his voice softened. 'He did all that and the kindness in your heart is still urging you to give him some kind of a chance.'

He stepped forward until my back pressed against my closed bedroom door. My heart rate accelerated.  My voice was suddenly muted and no words could come out. Instead I nodded.

'I fucking love that about you,' he growled his voice thick with desire. My pulse quickened as he leant his head down towards mine. His eyes searching for any rejection. This was it. My body ached for the kiss, I had waited so long for this. 

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