Chapter 22

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Lea's POV


*5 days later*

Andy's been really distant the past few days. Like he would always disappear at some point in the day and I wouldn't see him for a while, or if I did he would be hiding behind a stage. He also didn't talk to me much, like in the mornings and at night. I wish I knew what was up, but he's never really here.

"Hey Lea," I heard a voice say, snapping me out of thought.

I looked up and saw Dahvie. I was sitting at one of the tables in the lunch area, before Andy's show. "Hey Dahvs," I mumbled looking back down.

"What's wrong," he asked, sitting down across from me.

"It's nothing," I said in barely a whisper.

He took my hands in his, causing me to look him in the eyes," Lea I know something's wrong. Just please tell me, I want to help, I care about you and your happiness."

I smiled slightly then sighed," Andy's been really distant. Like he's never around and when he is we hardly talk. Hell he hasn't told me he loves me since we got back from the mall." By this time I was in tears.

"Hm, well did he find out about the kiss?" he asked with a puzzled look on his face.

I shook my head," no, he's just been avoiding me and everyone else."

"Oh. Well I don't know what else to think. I'm really sorry Lea. I'm always here for you if you need my help though," he said smiling and starting to stand.

I smiled slightly," thanks dahv."

He kissed my forehead and left. I took out my phone and checked the time, 2:51, shit their show starts soon. I quickly got up and started jogging to their show. By the time I had gotten backstage it had already started, but not by much.

I watch with Faith, Ivy, Sammi, and Tabitha in silence. They already knew what was happening with Andy, but wouldn't tell me, only give me pity looks and small smiles. It really annoyed me that my own best friends wouldn't even tell me what was going on in MY relationship. I sighed as the guys show ended and everyone started running off stage.

First was CC, he ran straight to Ivy and picked her up them spun her around. Next was Jinxx, he ran over to Sammi and gave her and Tabitha a kiss. Third was Jake, still grumpy at the whole love fest, but Ella would be coming in a few days. Then Ashley ran out, Faith got the biggest smile on her face and jumped into his arms. I couldn't help but smile at their perfect relationships.

I turned and saw Andy coming. My heart felt like it was being continuously stabbed and tears pooled in my eyes, but I still cracked a slight smile. He came up to me and looked like he was in pain too. I decided I was gonna find out what was going on right now," Andy what's going on, why are you avoiding me? I want to fix this."

He sighed and said," come on let's go somewhere private."

He started walking away. I followed ad saw everyone looking sad at me, I hate their stupid ass pity looks. We walked behind the main stage and he turned around. He held my hands and began to say," Lea I don't think this is working out."

My heart sank, but I still asked," what do you mean." Even though I knew what he meant.

"I do love you Lea, it's just the other day when you came back from the mall. When we kissed, I felt nothing," he said with sadness in his voice and face.

I broke. I fell to my knees as tears pored out of my eyes, and I started to yell," you fucking bastard. I thought you were gonna be different. I fucking gave you my heart. And not to mention my virginity, and I'm carrying your fucking child Andy. You selfish player. Here take back your damn ring, and get out of my life. I never want to see you again. I'll have someone get my stuff from the bus. Just... Just leave me alone."

He started to speak but I threw the ring into his face and ran away. I went to the only place I knew to go. I knocked on the door," Lea what's wrong."

"Andy dumped me," I choked out.

"Jayy!" Dahvie said hugging me as I cried on the ground.

"What?" he asked coming outside.

"Go get Lea's things from the BVB bus, she's staying with us the rest of the tour," he said.

Jayy nodded and left. I started to hyperventilate and get dizzy. The world started spinning and soon went black.


Jayy's POV


I walked up to the BVB bus and knocked. I hopeful looking CC answered, but when he saw me his face went blank," what do you need Jayy?"

"Dahvie told me to get Lea's stuff, because she' gonna be staying with us the rest of tour," I said pushing passed him inside.

When I walked in everyone was sitting in silence. Faith was silently crying, with Ashley trying to calm her down. Andy was in the back when I got in there. "What do you want," he asked emotionless.

"I came to get Lea's stuff," I sad shortly, not wanting to explain everything. Especially not to him.

"She's staying on your bus," he asked with hints of disgust in his voice.

"Ya, I mean we're her friends. And not to mention we didn't break her heart," I scoffed.

"I... I-" I cut him off.

"Save it," I said. I finished getting all her stuff and said," you're a fucking idiot letting someone as special as her go."

"I know," he mumbled and looked down, continuing to look at the ring that once held him and her together.

I gave him one last glance and walked out of the room, and into the living room. "Jayy before you go, can you tell Lea I'm sorry I let her get hurt again," CC said with a sad look.

"Ya man, I'm sure she doesn't blame you," I said smiling trying to brighten the mood.

He smiled slightly and sat back down with Ivy. I sighed and walked out the door.


Dahvie's POV


We had just finished eating. Lea wouldn't eat, but then we reminded her she needed to eat because of the baby. So she had a salad.

It was only 9 but she looked really tired so I asked," do you wanna go to sleep?"

She nodded blankly and stood up. "Which bunk could I use?" she mumbled.

"Do you wanna sleep in mine with me, to be more comfortable?" I asked leading her to the bunk area.

"Sure," she said emotionless.

I opened the door to the back room and let her walk in. She laid down and sighed. "I'll be in in a little bit," she nodded and I closed the door.

I walked back out to the living room and sat next to Jayy. "What do you think will happen after warped tour," he asked not looking away from the tv that was off.

"Maybe she can live with us," I suggested.

"Maybe," he said quietly.

I decided this was the time to leave and go check on Lea. So I got up and walked into my room. Lea looked like she was asleep, but I knew she wasn't. I took off my shirt and pants, leaving me in only my boxers, and slipped into bed next to her.

"Goodnight Lea," I whispered and pulled her into a hug.

"Goodnight Dahvie. Thank you guys so much for letting me stay with you," she said turning to face me and smiling.

I smiled back and said," well you're family to us Lea and we love you."

She just smiled in response and snuggled closer to me. I waited until she fell asleep, then drifted off to sleep.

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