Chapter 8

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Lea's POV


Andy and I were having a party to celebrate our new house, my graduation, and the start of warped tour in like 3 weeks. We invited Blood On The Dance Floor, Sleeping With Sirens, Pierce The Veil, and everyone except from my brother in Black Veil Brides. They were gonna be here around 8.

So Andy and I went to the store and bought the essentials for a party, and of course a LOT of alcohol. Andy was already ready, but I was still getting ready. It was 7:49.

I was a black dress with a corset top and a toto like bottom. With black platform heals that went up to my knee. My hair which I recolored was straightened and teased. My makeup was simple just foundation, mascara, and a thinish line of eyeliner.

I had just finished pulling on black lace gloves that went up to an inch or two above my elbow, when someone knocked on the door. I ran to it before Andy could and opened it. A group of crazy mexicans came bursting through loudly and engulfed me in a big hug.

"Guys it's great to see you too but I kinda need to breath here," I managed to choke out.

They all let go ad mumbled sorry. I laughed and Vic said," long time no see blue eyes."

I laughed at his nickname for me and said," ya school keeps ya busy."

"Well congrats on graduating. Now we're gonna go start playing music. I'm assuming the stereo is in the living room," he asked raising his eyebrows. I nodded and they all started walking away.

I heard another knock and opened it to see my favorite fat men. "What's up sleeping with fat men," I said quoting what Bryan had said in one of their interviews.

"Nothing much. You know stayin fat eatin at Mc Donald's," Kellin said walking in with his arm around Katelynne's shoulder.

I laughed and hugged them all. We talked for a minute, all of us joking about Justin's porn star name, lonely big cock. I heard another knock and they went to join the guys from PTV. I opened the door and was crushed in a hug before I could see who was there.

I saw Dahvie and the rest of BOTDF except Jayy, so I figured this was Jayy. "Well hello to you too Jayy," I said trying to pry him off me.

"Hey bestie. Long time no see. Why don't you talk to me more," he said after I wiggled out of his grip. He crossed his arms and pouted.

I mocked him and said," there's this thing, ya it's called school Jayy."

"Who needs school. You're a great photographer and singer, so why not make a career out of that," he said complaining a little.

"Just shut up, and go to the kitchen. We bought Jack Daniels," I said in a taunting voice.

He instantly smiled and went with the rest do the band to the kitchen. Dahvie stayed though. "Hey Dahviekinz," I said walking over towards him sense he was standing in the doorway.

"Hey Lea," he said plainly.

"Dahv what's wrong," I asked giving him a hug and resting my head on his shoulder. I was usually only a few inches shorter but with my heals I was taller than him.

He slowly wrapped his arms around me and sighed. "My girlfriend Tanya broke up with me today," he said sounding like he was gonna cry.

"Well if she had the nerve to dump such an amazing, kind, thoughtful, caring, and wonderful person like you, then she wasn't worth your love," I said pulling away and looking into his eyes.

He smiled slightly and said," you're right. I'll know when I've found the right girl, someone who understands me and has an amazing personality."

"Ya! There you go, now go inside and have fun," I said pushing him through the door. He nodded and went to the kitchen to find Jayy.

I watched him walk away and was about to close the door when I heard people yelling my name. I turned around and saw Ashley, Jake, Jinxx, Ella, and Sammi running towards me. I laugh and open the door. "Come on in guys we bought Jack Daniels," I said motioning inside.

"Thanks," they all say as they walk passed.

I stop Ashley and say," where's Faith? I swear Ashley if you had sex with her then dumped her I will kill you just like the little man whore you are deserves."

"Chill out ok she'll be here in a few minutes, she just wanted to take her own car," he said holding his hands up in defense.

"Ok but I swear if you hurt her your life will be over Ashley Purdy," I threaded then turned around and walked to find Andy. Faith has been through too much to have someone fucking mess with her.

There were a lot of people for such a small space so it seemed crowded. I found Andy on the "dance floor" , our living room with all the furniture moved, with two bottles of Jack Daniels. I walked over to him and he handed me a bottle. "Thanks," I said taking a sip.

"No problem. Now lets dance," he slurred obviously already wasted.

I smiled and nodded. He grabbed my hand and we went into the center. The music that was playing was pop and that kind of shit, but it was fun to dance to so ya. I turned around with my back to Andy and he pressed my back to his front grinding on me.

I laughed as I took sip after sip. Soon at about midnight I was beyond wasted, I don't even know how many bottles I had. I was dancing with a drunk Faith, as Andy was grinding on me and Ashley on Faith.

I was having the best night ever. Andy and Ashley went to go get us more drink and left Faith and I alone. We started taking turns grinding on each other. I saw Andy and Ashley starring at us with their mouths wide open, I pointed to them and Faith and I burst out laughing.

I don't remember what Faith was wearing. All you need to know was that it was beautiful. So use your fucking imagination people.

I gave Ashley back Faith, and I grabbed Andy's hand. I pulled him down the hall and into our room.

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