Chapter 5

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Andy's POV


It was 10 at night and Lea left at 3. We were all really worried about her. We had called and texted her many times. We even told Dahvie, Jayy, Kellin, and Vic.

All 9 of us were really worried. I went down to the lobby and outside. I got into my rental car and started driving around. After about an hour of driving I decided to call Faith. "Hey," she answered sounding out of breath.

"Have you heard about Lea being gone," I asked her while pulling over.

"Ya, Ashley told me," I heard him laugh in the background.

"Ok listen I don't want to know what you two are doing but I need to know where Lea might be," I said quickly.

"Well there was this one park she always went to. It's near the big mall about 10 minutes from the campus," she said.

"Ok thanks bye," I said starting the car again.

"Good luck bye," she said and hung up.

It made me mad how her best friend is missing and her and Ashley are having sex. Like what the actual fuck! Plus they only met like yesterday. I shook the thoughts out of my head and started driving.

I found the park and parked. I got out and ran up to it. I looked around in the dark. The only light was the moon, but that didn't help much. I saw a bench and a lump laying down on it.

I ran over and saw Lea. I sighed in relief and picked up her head slightly, sitting down and laying her head carefully on my lap. I looked down at her and smiled.

Her phone vibrated in her pocket and she woke up. She screamed seeing me, then realized who it was. "Hi," I said smiling.

"Andy I'm so sorry I stayed out so long," she said starting to cry.

"Why did you," I asked holding her close.

"I didn't want to go back and face everyone and their fucking pity for me," she said.

"It's fine Lea. I honestly doubt that would happen. Besides you should know your best friend and Ashley are having sex right now," I said laughing a little.

She laughed and said," I fucking knew it. I called it, I fucking called it!"

I laughed at her and said," come on let's go back to the hotel."

"Ok. Hey I know this is last minute but um I'm going to visit Dahvie and Jayy in 2 weeks for a few days. I'll be back the day before warped tour starts though," she said looking me in the eyes.

"Oh ok. Now come on let's go to the hotel to get some "sleep"," I said with quotations.

"Yes please," she said.

I picked her up bridal style and we drove back to the hotel. We ran up to our room and jumped onto the bed. I smashed my lips to hers and asked for entrance.

She opened her mouth and fought with my tongue for dominance. I won. I slid off her shirt and pants leaving her in a bra and underwear.

She slid off my shirt and pants leaving me in my boxers. I smirked and took off her bra and underwear. I kissed down her jaw to her neck.

She moaned loudly. I smirked and slid off my boxers. I looked at her and she nodded. I'm pretty sure you can tell where it went from there.


"Lea, Andy, wake up we need to get going back home," I heard CC say through the door.

I groaned and sat up. I turned to Lea. She groaned and sleepily said," morning babe."

"Morning," I said and kissed her forehead.

"What time are we leaving," she asked playing with my fingers.

"Um I think in an hour," she nodded. "I missed you so much," I said kissing her lips softly. Still the same spark, it was like magic.

"I missed you too. But we don't have to be apart anymore, except for the fact that I still live with Christian," she said cuddling into my side more.

"Not exactly," I said smiling.

"What do you mean," she asked me. She sat up and looked me in the eyes.

"Well I got a new apartment. It's bigger and shit, so I was wondering if you wanted to move in," I asked nervously biting my lip.

"Yes," she squealed and attacked me with a hug.

"Ok now come on we gotta get ready, then ask CC," I said.

She nodded and we went to get ready.

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