Chapter 19

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Lea's POV


All I could see was darkness. I couldn't see anyone or anything. I screamed out," Andy!"

No reply I tried again but this time tears were streaming down my face. "ANDY!"

I turned quickly and saw him. I ran to him and hugged him tightly. He didn't hug back though, but simply said," what are you doing? Who are you?"

"Andy y-you don't remember me?" he shook his head. "I-I'm your fiancée, we're getting married, I'm pregnant with your baby. You said you love me," I choked out.

"Well I don't. Goodbye," he said and faded away into nothing.

I fell to my knees and broke down in tears. He d-doesn't love me, was the only thought playing through my brain. Over and over again those words were said, stabbing me in the heart in the process.

I found a knife in my pocket. I quickly stabbed it through my chest, as I mumbled the words," he doesn't love me."

"Lea! Lea wake up," came Andy's soothing voice. He shook me violently and I opened me eyes. I looked around frantically. It was just a dream," I thought. My breathing slowed back to a normal pace as I looked into Andy's worried eyes. I instantly broke into tears and hugged him tightly, knocking us both over. "Lea what's wrong," he said, while rubbing my back soothingly.

"I-I had a bad dream," I breathed shakily.

"What happened," he asked pulling away and looking me in the eye.

"I was alone. Then y-you came and s-said you didn't know w-who I was. A-and that you d-don't love me. T-then you left, s-so I stabbed myself in t-the ch-chest," I cried pulling him into a hug again.

"Lea that's not true. I love you so much. You're my other half, my better half. You're the piece that completes who I am. I need you in order to keep going in life," he gently kissed my forehead.

"I love you too Andy," I forced a smile trying to believe him, but it was hard.

"Good. Now how about a nice shower, then you can go have your girl day," he said smiling.

I nodded my head and said," only if you take a shower with me."

He nodded and pulled me into the bathroom. Pulled off my pjs and looked in the tiny bus mirror. I saw Andy's arms wrap around my waist, and felt his head rest on my shoulder. "I love you Lea, and you're perfect no matter what."

I smiled and said," I love you too Andy."

I pulled out of his grip and turned sideways. I looked at my stomach and smiled. I could see a baby bump, even though I was getting fatter it still made me smile. "Our little angel will be so beautiful, just like you," he said putting a hand on my stomach, then kissing my lips gently.

I blushed and said," I can't wait. Now lets shower."

He laughed and nodded. We finished undressing and got in the shower. There were a few soap and water fights, and maybe a lot of making out but we finished eventually.

We got out and Andy handed me my clothes. I wore short shorts with ripped tights, red skull converse, a bvb crop top, and kandi bracelets. I straighten, teased, and put a big black bow with a skull on it in my hair.

I walked to Faith and Ashley's bunk, saying her name first just to make sure they weren't naked, and opened the curtain. I pulled her out as shoved clothes into we hands, then pushed her into the bathroom and shut the door. "Well that was nice," Ashley said after he climbed out of his bunk.

"Yep," I said and walked to the living room area of the bus.

I saw a very grumpy looking Jake sitting on the couch. I have Andy a confused look and he explained," he's mad because Ella's not here, so everyone has their girlfriend or whatever here but him."

"But CC doesn't have a girlfriend," I pointed out in a matter of fact voice.

"Well ya but he has a girl here and he likes her," Jake finally spoke.

"But they aren't together," I pointed out again.

"Not yet," he mumbled.

I rolled my eyes and walked back into the bunk area thinking, time for girl day.

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