Chapter 7

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Well I just let Lea live with Andy and now I'm regretting it. I thought about it the whole car ride and through security. I decided not to let her live with him but I don't know if I have the heart to tell her. I don't know what to do.

We were waiting at the gate so I decided to call mom and ask what to do. "Hey honey," she answered sweetly.

Her and dad left after Lea's graduation to go back home. "Hey mom."

"How is everyone," she asked.

"We're fine. Listen I have a question and I need your advice," I said looking around to make sure no one could hear me.

"What is it," she said. She always had the best advice.

"Well Lea and Andy are going to start living together," I heard her kind of squeal in excitement. "And I don't know what to do."

"Well I think it's wonderful. Besides aren't you living with your girlfriend now? So it should be better for her to live with Andy. And if you're really unsure about it then let them live together for a month and if nothing bad happens then let them continue living together," she explained.

"Ok that sounds good. Listen I got to catch a plane so I'll talk to you later bye mom," I said while walking back to the gate.

"Ok bye sweetie," she said then I hung up. This is gonna be fun.


Lea's POV


The plane ride was really boring. I was too excited to get home and move ally stuff into Andy's and my house. He showed me some pictures of the apartment, it looks so cool.

It has two bedrooms, one for guests, both pretty big. Andy said I could decorate our room pretty much how I want, he knows we both have almost the exact same taste. Two bathrooms, one in our room, a kitchen, a living room/dining room, and a beautiful balcony.

I was kind of annoying everyone during the flight because I kept asking when we were going to get there. "Lea just calm down. Take a nap or something," Andy said after about the 27th time of me asking how much longer.

"Yes please," Ashley said from behind us.

I turned around and poked my head over the seat to look at him. I gave him a death glare and stuck my tongue out at him then said," I'll sleep when I'm in my new house."

"Ugh just shut up then," Jake said from the other side of Andy.

Everyone laughed at this. I huffed and slouched back into my seat. I heard Andy's soothing voice whisper in my ear," don't pay attention to them beautiful. Just think of all the fun we'll have in our own house."

He gently kissed my ear causing me to blush. I took out my iPhone and clicked shuffle, perfect weapon started blasting through my earbuds. I jumped earning me weird looks from everyone around me, and not just the guys, I blushed and tried not to laugh.


We finally got there. I practically jumped out of my seat and ran off the plane. I waited outside the doors for them for like five or so minutes, then saw Andy walk out carrying his and my stuff. I laughed and grabbed my bag from him then kissing his cheek. He smiled and we waited for the others, then headed off to baggage claim.

I pushed past everyone and grabbed my stuff before the others could even get to me. I have to admit I was just a little excited. Maybe more. But Christian said he would have a truck deliver all of my stuff to our house tomorrow around noon. So yay I didn't have to waste any of my time today.

Andy had a taxi pick us up from the airport after we said goodbye to everyone. Ah Los Angeles how I've missed you. It felt good to be home and not in Florida or on the rode. But as long as I'm with Andy I'm home.

"Ok cover your eyes," he said once we were outside the door.

"Do I have to," I groaned giving him puppy eyes.

"Yes. Now cover your eyes," he said mocking my voice.

"Fine," I said and covered my eyes.

I heard the sound of a door open, and felt Andy guiding me inside. I started to jump a little in excitement as he slowly pulled my had away from my eyes. I gasped as I looked at our new place. It looked a lot better in person.

I turned around and jumped into Andy's arms and said," this is amazing!"

"I'm glad you like it," he said after spinning me around.

I looked around and realized this is the place Andy and I will probably live once we're married, once we have a kid, who knows what kind of memories will be made here. I turned to Andy and said," let's have a party."

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