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        Riley and Maya stood staring at eachother, everyone else staring at them. Topanga and Cory walked out with Auggie "He had an asthma attack. He's fine." Topanga said

         Ava was the first to hug him. Riley hugged him. "Riley do you wanna ride home with us?" Shawn asked. Riley looked at Maya "Um no actually i think im gonna take the subway."

        Everyone looked surprised that Riley didn't want to ride with Maya, even she looked surprised. "I can ride the subway with Riley." Maya said Riley shook her head "No, it's fine." she said. Riley walked out and everyone looked at Farkle. "Okay." he said and left catch up with Riley.

       He caught the same subway as her and sat beside her. "What's going on?" he asked. Riley looked up "I trust her. I trust Maya. I know I do." she said leaving Farkle in confusion. They sat there, Riley filling him in on what happened. Then she hit him on the arm. "Hey what was that for?" he asked. "You told her. You shouldn't have because it meant nothing." she said.

         Farkle smiled "If nothing happened then why is it a big deal?" he asked. Riley hit him again "Because  people think something happened." Riley said.

         Riley sat back in her seat crossing her arms. "Farkle, I haven't been okay lately, its all been a lie. I just can't fake it anymore."

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