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          When they got to school they all walked in together. Riley went to her locker and her friends stayed behind.

       "Farkle why didnt you tell her the truth?" Zay asked. Farkle just shrugged. "Okay Farkle dont do that. You only do that when you dont want to open up. Open up." Maya said

           Farkle just shrugged and looked down and started playing with his feet.

         When they got to class Mr. Matthews wasnt in there. "Wheres your dad Riley?" Farkle asked. Riley shrugged and sat down obviously hurt.

        "We have a new student." Riley said. "Really?" Maya asked. Riley nodded "Yep. I just asked my dad his name and he said its..." Riley paused reading the name and froze "Who?" Lucas asked "Charlie Gardener. He's back." Riley said with fear in her voice.

          Farkle clenched his fist "Charlie?" he said. Everyone looked at him. Riley nodded slowly "Will you tell me what happened now?" she asked.

      Mr. Matthews walked in "Charlie you can sit beside Riley."

        Riley stiffened. Everyone noticed and kept looking at her. Charlie smiled and sat down.

       Mr. Matthews started teaching but yet again Riley wasnt paying attention.

        Charlie is back. He is sitting next to you. This isnt good. You are worthless. He makes you feel more worthless. He makes your life a living hell.

         The bell rang and Riley came back to her friends looking at her. "Riley are you okay?" Farkle asked. Riley nodded "Why did you fight Charlie?" Riley asked.

         Farkle shook his head "Long story." he said. Riley stood up somewhat angry "I have time. Dont you trust me?" Riley said. Farkle loosened. "I gotta go." Riley said and walked out.

Broken (GMW Fanfic)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora