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            It was Saturday morning and Farkle woke up. His friends were blowing up the group chat. He sat up and rubbed his arm deciding to take a shower.

              Riley was at her house with Maya texting to group chat. They texted for an hour before Farkle responded.

F: good morning
L: hey
Z: finally
F: sorry sorry i was taking a shower

             Riley sat at home with Maya. She left the group chat and texted Farkle.

hey Farkle
whats up
ummmm nothing just took a shower
i need help
whats up Rile
ok ok i am feeling really depressed again and idk what to do. i cant tell Maya
oh i dont know what to do Riley
·Read at 10:45am·

             Riley came back to the group chat. Maya left because it was Christmas eve and She had to help put up the tree.

              Farkle got ready and went down stairs. His parents yelling.

R: wyd
L: nothing getting ready for Christmas
Z: ^^
M: ^^^
F: same

             A while later his friends (and the Matthews) came over to hang out.

             Farkle went to start on the tree. "You guys wanna help?" he asked his parents they looked at him "Be there in a second sweetie." his mom said.

                Farkle climbed up the ladder to fix something on top of the tree. He came down fast. Well, he came down when his dad tried to throw a book on the couch and knocked the ladder down. And then the tree fell too.

             They heard a scream and turned around to see Farkle under a ladder... and a Christmas tree.

              His friends, family, and the Matthews ran over. "Are you okay Farkle?" Riley asked "I might be if you get this tree off of me." he said. They nodded "That would be smart" Riley said lifting the tree.


         MERRY CHRISTMAS EVE! I wanted to post this on Christmas Eve because this chapter is set on Christmas Eve. I hope you all have a very merry Christmas and see ya in 2017. Bye


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