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              Riley rode through the day avoiding her friends. She worked alone in class, skipped lunch and sat in her dads room, didnt go to Topanga's (even though its her favorite place) after school.

               Riley got home and Ava came to play with Auggie. Riley sat in the bay window. The bay window is broken. Its supposed to help me.

                Riley just sat there quiet. Her parents walked in "Riley, me and your dad are going to the store. Stay here with Auggie and Ava, okay?" her mom said, Riley nodded.

              Riley's parents left. Riley was about to go into Auggie's room when her friends started texting her.

               Riley was about to read the texts when Ava screamed. She shoved her phone in her pocket and ran to Auggie's room. Auggie was on the floor unconcious. Riley threw herself to Auggie's side.

               "Ava what happened?" Riley asked feeling for a spot to feel a pulse. "I-I dont know! We were laughing and h-he started gasping for air. I asked him if he was okay and he fell." Ava said terrified and crying.

                  Riley nodded and picked up Auggie. "We have to get to the hospital." Riley said. Ava looked at her "But its traffic hour. It will take forever" Ava complained. "Okay, then stay close." Riley said. Ava looked at her confused.

                 Riley grabbed the house keys and locked the door. When they got to the street Riley looked at Ava "The hospital is five miles away, we're running."

                They started running in about thirty minutes they reached the hospital. Sweaty and wet from rain they ran in "We need help! We need help now" Riley screamed crying. Doctors ran over put Auggie on a stretcher and took him back.

              Riley sat Ava down and grabbed her phone. Riley took out her phone and it was a little wet. She wiped it off and called her mom.

"Riley whats wrong?"
"Auggie. Auggie passed out I dont know whats wrong but i brought him to NYC Hospital"
"Okay okay we will be there soon"

              After getting off the phone with her mom Riley sat down. Her phone was blowing up with texts from her friends.

              She texted them:
R: guys...
M: yeah?
F: look who's here
L: what do u want?
Z: what?
R: i get it im being a bad friend but i really need you guys right now. Auggie passed out and idk what happened. Im sitting here at the hospital with Ava waiting on my parents. Just come okay? Please? NYC Hospital

                After Riley sent that text she started crying hard. Ava looked at her and hugged her. Riley held Ava "It'll be okay Av's" Riley said Ava looked at her "Why are you crying then?" Ava asked. Riley smiled "Other things."

                 Ava sat there looking at a picture book and Riley was looking down twiddling her thumbs (haha).

              Her parents came in and hugged her and Ava. Her parents were the only ones allowed back. Soon Eric, Shawn, and Josh came. "Who called you?" Riley asked choked.  "Your parents" Shawn said sitting across from her.

                   Riley looked over and Ava had fallen asleep. Riley sat there twiddling her thumbs earning stares from her family. Soon after her friends walked in.

                   They walked over and saw the Matthews brothers (and Shawn) and then Riley and Ava.

              "Riles?" Maya asked. The adults looked at Maya and Riley looked at her. Riley stood up and walked over to Maya and just hugged her.
                 Riley pulled Maya away from their friends. "Thanks for coming." Riley said hugging Maya "Why did you kiss Farkle?" Maya asked making Riley let go.

                  Riley stared at a serious Maya. Everybody else was looking at the two knowing something was going down.
               "What?" Riley said in complete shock. Maya just stared at her. "You heard me." Maya replied still serious. Everybody looked at eachother and then looked back at the girls.

                       "How did you- how would you-" Riley said "Riley i talked to Farkle and he told me. Now explain." Maya said still staring at Riley.

                 "There is nothing to explain. We got heated in the moment. Nothing is gonna happen. Nothing needs to happen." Riley said Maya still looking at her "Riley, i would think you would tell me." Maya said.

               "Maya its unimportant." Riley said "Excuses excuses. You dont trust me." Maya replied. "Maya. How could you possibly think i dont trust you?" Riley asked completely shocked. "You are acting really wierd lately. I know its because you dont trust me or Lucas or Zay or Farkle or anyone." Maya said

                       "Maya i trust you more than anything." Riley said hurt by Maya.

                   They stood there staring at each other not saying a word.


       I told you drama!! I hope you enjoyed this Chapter. It's really long, i know. Tell me what you think.

                  Courtney Ann

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