After a few more songs, including the difficult 'River', Trent sat down and guzzled down some water. He had to repeat some of the other songs twice just so he could get the moves down, completely on his own accord though.

River however? He wanted to take it up to seven times but Brittany quickly advised against it.

"Just get some rest for now, we'll pick up back again tomorrow to work on that song and Seaside Cherry." Brittany said before leaving.

Trent nodded and grabbed the next water bottle and began to drink it normally.

Sprx patted Trent's shoulder.

"You were pretty good man." He said.

"Yeah you shouldn't have a hard time getting through the concert auditions." Jinmay pointed out.

Trent looked up at her.

"Yeah but Arwen told me when she got back yesterday that I would have to have something different from the others. And no I'm not talking about my gender." He said before anyone could interject.

The others thought about it, trying to soothe Trent's worries, but since they don't know what the other Sueronians would be like. Amanda kneeled down to him.

"Maybe you'll find that something when you perform. Then you and the guys in charge will know." She suggested.

Trent bit his lip and tilted his head.

"Hmmm hopefully." He muttered.

As the others wanted to stay and talk for a bit longer, Mandarin noticed that Willow looked eager to talk to Trent. By the look on her face, she probably wants this conversation to be quiet too. Mandarin looked towards the group and began to push them out.

"Mandarin!" Nova exclaimed.

"Come on, we have plans to commence remember?" Mandarin huffed.

Willow turned to go with them but Mandarin mouthed her to stay. The group then left, leaving Trent and Willow alone.

"Shouldn't you be going with them?" Trent asked, sipping more water.

Willow then thought back to her conversation with Antauri. She shook her head and sat down next to him.

"Nah, besides there's something I wanted to talk to you about." She said.

Trent stopped drinking and set down his bottle.

"Did I do something wrong?" He asked, looking a bit worried.

Willow quickly turned to him.

"Oh no no it's not like that! It's just...I'm a bit worried." She admitted.

Trent scooted closer to getting.

"Worried? Why?" He asked.

Willow held her knees close to her.

"I mean, it's really dumb. I don't expect you to become some huge snob or anything."

"Yeah that really doesn't sound like me." Trent said flatly.

Willow sighed.

"It's just...I'm worried if you get in that we'll drift apart." She admitted, looking ahead.

Trent was quiet before speaking again.

"That ain't gonna be us."

Willow looked at him.

Trent fully turned his body towards her.

"If I do get in, I swear I'll send you messages when I can. I mean I know I'll be super busy but I'll try." He promised, giving her a small smile.

An Excuse MaybeHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin