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Y/n p.o.v

"I can't wait to meet you Y/n. I am so excited!" Camila exclaims through the screen as I chuckle. "I can't wait either. There are only 14 more days left"

The laptop was placed on my bed and I was laying down on my stomach. "Camila, what are we going to do when we meet?" I ask "I don't know...I know the first thing we're going to do is hug at the airport....we can be like those online best friends that be on YouTube documenting our lives" she chuckles "I love those videos"

There was a moment of silence I laid my head down looking over at the clock to see it 10:30 pm "what time is it down there?" I ask looking back over to Camila "5:30 in the morning" my eyes widened "shouldn't you be sleep"

"Yeah but I really want to talk to you, besides what's the point if I have to get at 6" before I could say anything my door swung open and my sister walked in. "Did you hear?" I furrowed my eyebrows as tears fell down her face "what?"

"Nikki committed suicide! last night" my eyes widen. Nikki was one of Alessia best friends. "Why?" I ask

"She didn't want to be in the relationship she was in because that jerk was beating her" she cries walking out the room "I can't believe this happened"

"Why would someone do that to someone"

"I don't know but this is why I don't do relationships I'm scared that I might end up in that situation" I frown

"I don't think you will"

"It could happen though"
She chuckles "if something like that ever happens to you Y/n just call me I got your back"

I smiled at her "I have to go Camila my sister needs me"

"ok Y/n I love you" I blush "I love you too"...

Another tear fell as I got myself up after 15 minutes of crying. My side was burning and I could feel my face swelling up.

I hissed as I stood on feet "she promised me she wouldn't do this again" I cried hearing my phone ring. I walk to it to see that my mom was calling making me groan.

I slowly sat on the bed clearing my throat and answering my phone. "Hello"

"Y/n hey can you do me a favor"

"Do I have to go out?"

"Yes," I groan once again "I don't think I can mom I'm sick," I say my mom gasp "do you want me to come over!" She asks "No mom it's fine I really don't need anybody around at the time"

My mom sighs on the phone "is Camila treating you right?" She asks I look into the mirror to see bruises all over my body. 'No'

"Yeah she's treating like a princes' mom" I quickly say hearing a door slam, I gasp "I have to go, mom...I don't uh have to puke" before she can say anything I hung up and quickly went into the bathroom locking the door.

"Y/n baby!" I closed my eyes hearing Camila smooth voice. "Where are you! I got you some pain pills"

I instantly start shaking when I heard her get closer "I swear if this bitch left..." I know she was talking to her self.

My phone started ringing again, I sighed seeing her calling me. I quickly crawled over to the toilet flushing it. Then standing up and opening the door see her standing there.

I looked down not wanting to look her in the eye. "I'm sorry," she says "I-I shouldn't have done that to you. It was stupid of me" I just nod my head as she sighs.

She hands me a bag and a pill bottle. "I bought you some clothes that you can wear" I furrowed my eyebrows and took it "I love you Y/n"

"I love you too" she kissed my forehead before walking away. I went back into the bathroom grabbing the first aid kit. I then looked in the bag just to see what she got me.

It was a couple of turtlenecks and sweats. I sigh knowing I'm going to have to wear them.......

Snapchat: lolo.cabeyo
Instagram: lociana_hansen

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