Chapter 8-Icefall Academy

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Icefall Academy
Icefall City
Arktis Skyland

Areisha watched Emera with fond eyes as the Draeling carried Lux's small body on her back through the streets of Icefall City. Dia was with her along with Uby and River's brown Draeling, Ebony. Rei's yellow baby Drae, Scara, was snoring in the redhead's arms.

Tall buildings with smoking chimneys towered over them and the throng of people walking about. She walked in a group with her fellow Sentires, who were quiet since they left their hotel. Headmaster Donovan and their professors were ahead of them, discussing the preparations for the Sky Games.

The sun was at its peak, but its rays failed to give her warmth at all. She exhaled and her breath formed a cloud of mist in front of her. Their team uniform hugged her frame and kept the cold away from her body. The set came with a knee-length coat buttoned from the neck to waist and black trousers tucked inside black boots. The coat was black like the trousers with a hood trimmed by white fur. The same lines from their school uniforms ran down the sleeves and front.

"What's wrong Lana?" she heard Knox's voice. Her eyes gravitated to the twins, only to find Ceiver, River and Rei looking at the two as well. "You've been a little quite since early this morning."

From under Solana's hood, Areisha could make out a sad expression on the blonde's face. Looking closely, she could see that her eye bags were a bit puffy―something that Solana would be fussing about to get rid of.

"It's...Alec," Solana said. She and her friends locked gazes with each other before giving the girl questioning glances. Solana took a deep breath, exhaled first, and then spoke. "He told me about his life in he was alone when his brother died. It made me sad while thinking about it."

Their group fell silent after that. The surprise was evident on Ceiver and Knox's faces. She saw a reaction from River and Rei but it was too brief for her to guess what it was.

"He told you last night, didn't he?" Areisha asked. Solana's wide surprised eyes flew up to meet her.

"You already knew?" Solana asked. "For how long?"

Areisha looked back to her front and clasped her hands behind her back while walking. "About two months ago," she said. "I wasn't allowed to tell. Sorry."

"I feel that you betrayed me for some reason," Solana said. Her lower lip jutted in to a pout and the brunette failed to stop the small smile from forming on her face. The expression vanished from Solana's face soon after though, and a smile similar to Areisha's replaced it. "I want us to make his birthday a memorable one! Knowing how he is, I'm sure he hasn't celebrated it in a long time."

"I think he doesn't even remember that his birthday is in two days," Knox chuckled. "Good thing he didn't catch us planning."

"We would've had much more time to plan if Gael told us about it a few weeks earlier," Solana said. "Anyway, after the opening let's get him presents!" Areisha shook her head with amusement when the twins bumped fists. What should I get for that bastard? she thought a few moments later. Their group was silent while the adults walking ahead were still busy talking.

A few minutes passed and the crowd of people seemed to have thickened as they neared the outskirts of the city. A few eyes darted towards them and people with light-crimas took images of their group as they passed. When the buildings grew shorter, she finally saw the mountain range on the western side of the city.

Tall towers from a large structure etched on the side one of the mountains drew her attention at once. The building was a grey castle amidst the snow-covered mountain and occupied a huge area.

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