Chapter Seventeen: Fin {1/3}

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Something was definitely wrong.

Alya, Selene, and Quinton hadn't been to school in over a week.

I knew something was going on with Quinton and Selene, but it was unusual that Alya would be gone as well. She hadn't answered any of my texts or calls, and whenever I went over to her house, no one was ever home.

I lay on my bed, still thinking about Quinton's words to me. I wanted to push them out of my brain - and so I was throwing a bouncy ball up on my room's roof - but that wasn't even working.

I sighed deeply, and rubbed my eyes. Even though it was Saturday, so no school, and also in the middle of the day, I couldn't help but to feel tired.

Tikki looked up from my desk, staring at me with her big eyes. "Are you okay, Mari?" she asked.

I hesitated for a moment, wondering whether or not to tell her. But then I remembered I basically lived with her, and she would figure out at some point.

"No," I replied honestly. "I can't shake off what Quinton had said."

"Neither can I," she admitted, laying down like me. "It doesn't seem right or logical what he said."

I threw the ball up at the roof, hearing the thud! once the rubber connected with the ceiling. I then sat up, swinging my legs over my bed.

I was about to speak when the radio in my room cut me off. "'We have just gotten reports that there is an Akumatized Villain terrorizing Kleste Street, and slowly making their way down to Lyon's Avenue.'"

"Tikki," I said, who was closest to the radio. "Could you turn that up?"

She cranked the volume up, and I listened closely. "The villain has been reported to have fictional anime characters come to life and control them. Most are villains from known anime, and they are reeking havoc everywhere. The people are wondering: 'Where is Ladybug and Chat Noir?'"

My eyes widened as I saw a clip of the Akumatized villain soaring through Paris streets. I knew something was up.

It was Selene, and she seemed to have someone in her hands. I narrowed my eyes, squinting so I could see who she was carrying.

I gasped and almost started to cry when I realized it was Alya.

"Mari. . ." Tikki dragged on. "Is that Alya?"

I nodded, and watched as someone swung into the view of the camera. I wasn't surprised that it was Chat Noir, but he looked angrier than ever - almost like he knew Alya himself.

I sprung from my bed and spun toward Tikki. "You up for this? Quinton might be a part of it," Tikki said, and I gulped.

I could tell that she was worried for me, but her saying that made it even worse. I missed Quinton so much, and it would be awful if all these feelings I had stored up were for nothing. So I took in a shaky breath and nodded.

"I'm ready," I replied. "After all, Chat can't fight by himself."

I then looked at the TV one more time before yelling, "Tikki! Spots on!"


I flew through Paris streets, swinging from place to place, building to building, roof to roof. But nothing took my mind off of what Tikki said.

If Quinton was apart in this - I wanted nothing to do with it. But at the same time I wanted everything to do with it.

My feelings were complicated and I had no idea which path to go down. I was in a fork in the road, with no right direction to go.

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