Chapter Two: Blushing Brides

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I unlocked the door and almost collapsed on the floor I was so tired.

Adrien beat me at the SkiBall Machine, but I challenged him again at the game when you throw the ball and try to pop the balloons. I won that one, and it went on, going booth to booth. I was having so much fun that I actually talked to Adrien normally - no more stuttering unless he complimented me.

I closed the door behind me and threw my keys on the kitchen counter, yawning. I climbed up into my room, looking at my unfinished homework. I groaned and picked it up off of my bed and placed on my desk.

Tikki flew out of my handbag, alive as ever. "Marinette! That was awesome! You talked to Adrien normally and you actually hung out with him until the carnival closed!" She looked around as I rubbed my eyes. "Speaking of which, what time is it?"

"I think it's twelve something," I replied, going to my closet. Before I could change into my PJs, I heard whooshing behind me. I wiped around to see Tikki in super speed doing my homework. "Tikki! What are you doing?"

"I'm finishing you unfinished homework." I looked at her, thinking how she would know the answers to the questions. "You take me everywhere, Marinette. I pick up a few things from school."

I smirked at her and said, "Thanks, Tikki. But, you know, it would have been helpful a lot of other times too." Picked up my homework and put it in my backpack.

"I thought you earned it tonight," was her only reply.

Suddenly, a thought came back to me. About the boy that I'd met walking over to the carnival. Quinton Meyers. I had promised in my mind to visit him that night as Ladybug, and I was suddenly filled with energy.

"Tikki, you up for one more transformation tonight?" I asked, turning around, hands on my hips.

She smiled. "Sure."

"Tikki, Spots On!"


I swung through the night, trying to not be seen by anyone, even Chat - who I knew was on patrol that night. I tried to remember where I had run into Quinton, and landed on the pavement where I had, literally, ran into him.

There was a curve in the road leading to Lion's Street, where many cozy houses were. I walked on the sidewalk, looking for a house that had a Sold sign on it - remembering it would still be up if he only moved in a few days ago. I found it just a little down the road, and I swung up to the roof.

I located a few windows and hung upside-down to see what was inside. One was the living room, and the other was a study by the look of it. On the third window, I saw Quinton's room.

He was asleep in his bed, his body facing the opposite direction of me. He looked so peaceful in his room, and I could hear faint snoring from the blankets. I tapped on the window, and he stirred a little. I tapped again and he turned around in his bed, facing me but still asleep.

This time I knocked on the window, and his eyes fluttered open. For a moment, he started at me with his sparkling amber eyes, not yet processing what was happening. I thought I could get lost in those pools of light.

Once he had realized it was Ladybug at his window, he jumped out of bed and unlatched the window and it swung open. I turned the right side up and walked in, my Yo-Yo string wiping back in the actual Yo-Yo. He closed the window once I had come in.

"Ladybug!" he practically squealed. "What are you doing here?"

"I like to visit new people that moved into the neighborhood," I lied. I smiled and he blushed, making him look adorable. He almost looked like a small puppy. "It's Quinton, right?"

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