Chapter Twelve: Choose Wisely

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I woke up on the couch with a blanket covering my body, and no Quinton as my pillow.

As my eyes slowly opened, I saw that last night's trash had all been picked up. The living room was once again spotless, returned to its natural beauty. I propped myself up with one elbow, yawning.

I looked around. I couldn't see Quinton anywhere, and when I thought of him, memories of last night came flooding back to me. Was I dreaming when I heard him say 'I'm sorry?' Or was it actually him saying that?

I didn't know, and at the moment, frankly didn't care. The only main thing that was on my mind was the kiss we shared. It was nice, and I touched my lips, smiling. His lips were soft, and I suddenly found myself blushing.

My head perked up when a smell of bacon wafted into the living room. I swung my legs off of the couch, and stood up. I was still wearing my Onesie, and as I stretched, the hood that was in my head slid off. I then peered into the kitchen.

I saw Quinton, cooking breakfast. I took a deep breath in, and exhaled in delight. "It smells delicious," I said, and Quinton jumped a little.

When he saw it was me, he relaxed. "Oh, good morning Mari," he replied, flipping a piece of bacon. "And it should be ready soon."

Before he could push me out of the kitchen once more, I went up behind him and hugged him. My arms wrapped around his stomach, and I rested my head on his back. When I pulled back, I could see Quinton was smiling.

"What was that for?" he asked, looking away from the food for a moment.

"Nothing," I replied. "Just thought you'd want a hug."

I smiled a little before slipping out of the kitchen. I didn't know why I hugged him, but it felt good, and I wanted to snuggle up to him again. I felt like I was on air, lifted into the clouds.

I walked over to the dinning room table, and found Tikki still asleep with the napkin over her. I smiled, and lifted her up, careful not to wake her up just yet. I placed her on the arm of the couch in the living room, and sat back down at the table.

Quinton came out with two plates in his hands, and as he set one in-front of me, I instantly started eating. "You know," I said while swallowing. "I never thought a boy like yourself could be an amazing cook."

He chuckled, and I could see him blush a little. "I guess I'll take that as a compliment."

I smiled and continued eating. This time, whenever Quinton would look at me from across the table, I would meet his gaze. This happened a few times, and at every one, we should smile and then look back down at our breakfast.

The food was amazing, bacon and pancakes to be exact. I mean, what could ever go wrong with bacon and pancakes? Somehow, Quinton was able to perfect the meal even more, making the pancakes fluffy but also crisp and the bacon was crispy and also floppy, just the way I liked it.

As I shoved another piece of bacon into my mouth, Quinton said, "Hey, I was thinking that maybe we could go out after this? Maybe go to the mall, or just walk around the park?"

I looked up, swallowing my food. I smiled at him, and said happily, "I would love to. But, just one thing. I didn't bring any extra clothing with me." I giggled a little.

"You can borrow some of mine."

I blushed a little and just nodded. I imagined wearing Quinton's jeans and shirt, but somehow the image was hard to imagine. I didn't even think I would fit into his cloths, knowing how small and petite I was to normal people.

As we washed off our dishes from breakfast, I scooped up some water into my hands and splashed it at Quinton's face. He laughed, and playfully glared at me, getting some water and then splashing it at me. We both laughed, throwing water at each other and dodging it like it was acid.

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