Chapter Four: The Rookies

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We ran through the school, side-by-side.

Some people stopped to look at Quinton as they were fleeing from the football field. It definitely was weird fighting crime with someone other than Chat - but at the same time I was happy that I got to work with Quinton.

We burst through the double doors that led to the field, and saw Quarterback throwing footballs at people. Once the football hit something, it exploded into a flutter of thunder bolts. Speaking of thunder, Quarterback was levitating off the ground by a large thunder cloud.

Kim was scrambling on the floor, trying not to get hit by any of the balls. Quarterback threw another ball, and it his the pole behind Kim, showering sparks everywhere. Most of the sparks landed on Kim, and he squealed.

"GOAAAAAL!" bellowed Quarterback, a maniacal laugh escaping his mouth. "Soon, Kim, you will pay for what you did to me!"

Quarterback threw another ball, and Kim scrambled out of the way. He regained balance and sprinted into the school, pushing past Quinton and I like we were his dirty laundry. Quarterback huffed and then started after Kim.

Before Quarterback could advance any further, a metal pole knocked him off his feet and onto his butt. I looked up to see Chat perched on top of a lamppost, his extendable stick shrinking to its normal size. "What a rookie," chuckled Chat.

He jumped down next to me, and imminently sneezed. After he shook his head out, he pointed to Quinton. "Who's Sir Sneeze-A-Lot over here?"

I put a hand over my mouth stifled a giggle. Before I could speak, Quinton crossed his arms over his chest. "What, do I just blow you away then?" This time a full giggle escaped my lips and I punched both of the boys in the arm.

"Come on, boys, we have a situation on our hands." I crossed my arms. "So do you think you could be nice to each other? Or do I have to babysit?"

Chat grumbled and then sneezed again.

And again.

In-between sneezes, he said, "Do you think you could hold off Rookie here while I go get my medication really quick. I'll be back in a flash." He winked.

"Yes, but hurry back," I said. "Falcon and I can hold him off for a little bit."

"Falcon, huh?" said Quinton with a smirk. "I like it." I blushed and scratched the back of my head. In the corner of my eye I saw Chat glare at Quinton.

As Chat galloped away, Quarterback stood back up, scratching his butt. "Oh. You did not just do that." A ball appeared out of thin air in his hand. "So prepare to be blown away." He threw the ball, and I hopped away.

Quinton had hopped in the opposite direction, splitting us apart. I threw my Yo-Yo, but Quarterback deflected it with one of his footballs. It hit my Yo-Yo with a powerful force, sending the string straight back.

"Two can play at that game!" I heard Quinton say. I looked in his direction, and saw him pull the bow off of his back. How can he shot without any arrows? I thought, puzzled.

My question was answered when suddenly, an arrow appeared in the notch of the bow when Quinton pulled back his arm. This arrow had a red tip, and when Quinton let go of the string, it exploded next to Quarterback.

"Impressive," I whispered to myself.

When Quarterback was distracted with Quinton, I threw my Yo-Yo. It hit his head and he turned back to me, furious. "Okay, that doesn't work with you," I said, backing away as Quarterback advanced.

Suddenly, strong arms wrapped around my waist and I was hoisted into the air. I landed on a building's roof, Chat landing next to me, his pole retracting. "M'Lady, seems like I came back just in time."

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