Chapter 24

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Above is a really cool song that would (in my opinion) 100% go with this chapter! Listen while reading is recommended


Previously from the last chapter:

"Hello fellow humans!" Ethan greeted as he appeared on all the TV screens.

"I'am here to tell you that your King Harry, and his fellow brothers, have been killed. As I'm next in line to the throne, I'm your new ruler! So there will be more rules in this world for many years to come!"

Alarms screeched around the neighbourhoods, as shutters hung over all the windows and doors from the inside and out.

Children's screams bellowed out of houses as the TV's flickered back on.

"Please don't be afraid of the shutters. We are just making a few changes to your area."

Crashes and explosions filled the air with smoke. Houses shook and grounds break as the sky turned greyer by the minute .

Ethan smirked proudly, once it finished. The world had changed and with a new ruler.

Skylar was on the floor, holding her head from all the sounds of crashing and thunder from outside. He breath hitched as fear crept up her throat.

"We are doomed!" 


Skylar's POV:

Clashes of thunder whipped through the walls. The ceiling crumbled slowly as the floor shook violently. My heart skipped a beat as my eyes shut tightly.

I felt a hand grab me by the neck and push me against the wall roughly. I struggled to breath as it wrapped tighter. My blood scurried through my veins, I brought my hands up to pull the hands away but failed.

I heard a door slam open and footsteps walk in. "Let her go!" 

I heard punches and screams as my head was dazed from the lack of oxygen. My head was spinning in circles as I heard a female scream come from my right.

I then fell to the floor, passing out with my eyes shut tight.

Harry's POV:

My fists clenched firmly as I launched my arm against Ethan's face. He crashed to the floor harshly as my eyes squinted angrily.

I then heard a female scream. I whipped around and saw Layla fall to the floor. Noah ran up to her and held his head in his hands, weeping.

"Noah, I'm so sorry..." I bit my lip harshly. He just kept silent, tears flowing down his cheeks.

"Ah, poor Noah. So said losing a loved one." 

I span around and folded my arms over my chest. He was sitting up on the floor, still weak from the punch.

I saw Georgia creep up behind him, nodding at me. I raised an eyebrow and before my eyes,

She opened her mouth widely, black fur creeping up her skin. She grabbed onto Ethan's neck, strangling it tightly. She pushed him up against the wall.

Ethan struggled to breath Georgia edged to him closer, her mouth opening wider. She gripped her claws on his flesh, allowing a few painful tears to release out of Ethan's eyes.

All of a sudden, Ethan's head had gone.

Georgia was ripping it, chewing it slowly. Devouring every bite.


(3 hours later...)


Third Person's POV:

The world was at peace, the people were cheering as the heroes of our story walked out into the streets. They crowed round them, lifting them up in the air happily.

Smiles grew on all of the heroes faces as they looked at each other happily that the evil vampire is dead!

The heroes went back to the palace, after the crowd pleasers. Harry was holding the unconscious body of his beloved Skylar. He laid her down in one of the guest beds and kissed her forehead gently, hoping she would wake up soon.

Noah had been crying for hours straight, screaming for his loss of Layla. He adored her deeply, he loved every part of her, and now she's disappeared from his arms

Layla's funeral has already been planned and is in a couple days' time. The heroes are still begging for the angel to awaken, but they know it may take a while.


After every day passing, Skylar still didn't awaken. Harry had started to grow highly depressed ever since Layla's funeral. He stayed locked up in his room, his head on his pillow.

He wouldn't allow any visitors inside, he just wanted to be alone.

Until his beloved angel had awoken.


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(don't be a ghost reader ;))

Mia xx

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