Chapter 5

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Previously from the last chapter:

He tugged on the hem of my shirt and whispered, "This isn't over, love."

He then released me from my position and grabbed onto my wrist. "Let's take you back to your room shall we?"

I nodded and he dragged me out of the room and back into mine.

He pushed me into the room and I saw Georgia sitting on her bed with a tear stained face.

"It's alright, you're not having yours for a while anyway," I comforted her, putting a hand on her shoulder as I sat down next to her comfortingly.

"Thanks. The thing is that this is the first time that we've been caught doing this, I'm just really scared Sky," she whined.

I sighed. "Well, we can't really do anything about it, so just sleep it off I guess,"

She nodded and I got up so she could climb into bed. I slipped on my pyjamas and crawled into mine, turning and tossing but I couldn't get Harry's words out of my mind.


Skipping to next Monday...

Layla's POV:


I woke up in the darkness of the dungeons, which I was forced to sleep in last night, at the crack of dawn. 

I heard the unlocking of keys from my right and turned my gaze to the cage door. In stepped King Harry, with King Noah following behind him. 

I shivered at the deceiving look I got from the two pairs of nefarious eyes. 

"Well done for remembering Miss Gracewood that you had to come to the dungeons the night before, now we shall begin!"  

Noah drew his hand out to clasp round my wrist and he brought me closer to him.

"Finally, I'm able to do this," he smirked against my ear. 

He threw me to the wall roughly, causing me to crash my weak body against it. 

I whined, causing him to leer. He walked closer to me and crouched down to my level. I then saw, in the corner of my eye, Harry sneering in the corner of the room. 

I drew my gaze back to Noah's thwart eyes. He brought his hand up to caress my swollen cheek. 

"Be ready my love, there is so much more on its way," 

Noah's POV:

I pulled my hand back from her cheek and whacked her right there, causing her to fall backwards against the wall for the second time. 

I crawled up to her and punched her roughly in the stomach. She drew her head back and let a groan of pain escape her lips. 

I grabbed her neck and threw her up the wall whilst pushing more pressure into her skin. She gagged sickly, trying to bring my hands down to loosen her, which only made me grasp it tighter.

I released her neck from my hands after a while and brought them down to the collar of her shirt. 

I got down to her ear and whispered, "I can sense your not enjoying this," she squirmed against me but I tightened my grip.

"Don't try to escape babe, it will only make your punishment worse," 

I felt her shiver at the name I called her as she stopped squirming. I smirked greedily and kicked her shins, causing her to fall to the ground with a bang. 

She used her hands to push her self up but failed miserably. My smirk grew wider and I punched the side of her cheek and torso at the same time. 

Pinning her to the floor, I punched up her jaw and back down to in between her breasts. I kicked my legs up her knees and brought myself up with one of my feet pressuring on her stomach. I brought my head down to her level and smacked her across the face.

I lifted my foot up and set it down on the ground and grabbed the hem of her shirt and pulled her up. 

She stood slowly whilst grasping onto my shoulders to help catch her balance from her legs wobbling. 

She finally managed to stand upright on her feet after a while. 

"We will carry on tomorrow and the rest of the week with this, in the meantime enjoy your stay!" I chirped darkly and waltzed out the room with Harry following behind.

Skylar's POV:

Tick. Tick. Tick.

I've been watching the clock for hours now, my head spinning with thoughts. 

What's happening to Layla? Is she hurt? 

I then felt a hand on my shoulder, which caused me to jump. I slowly turned and noticed it was Annabel's sparkling eyes beaming into mine. She gave me a reassuring smile. "Don't worry too much about Layla, she'll be just fine,"

I nodded, hoping that she was right.



Ik this was a short and shitty chapter but I guess it was just a filler.

Anyway please follow, vote and comment!


Mia xx

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