Chapter 8

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Previously from the last chapter:

"Why am I here?" I demanded, looking round the room once more.

"Oh don't you know the real truth about me Sky? God you have so much to learn," he chuckled greedily.

I furrowed my eyebrows in confusion. "What do you mean 'real truth'?"

He walked closer to me and placed two fingers under my chin to lift up my head. His lips were inches from mine, so close to touching. His eyes sparkled in the light the more I looked at them.

"I'm way more powerful than you think I' am," he whispered. "I'm very powerful indeed actually. I'm even more powerful than all of the five kings! But there is one thing missing,"



Skylar's POV:

"Me? But what so important about me?" 

He snickered loudly and took a few steps back. "Oh, you don't know? I see, I'm guessing you're new to the werewolf side am I right?" 

I gasped, "How did you-" 

"I know many things Sky, more than you know," he interrupted darkly. 

A layer of confusion placed itself upon my chest. "Yes, I only got turned four months ago," I admitted. 

"So that's why you are unaware of my power. You know yours are just as powerful but a lot more than you think!" he exclaimed proudly. 

"Anyway, back to why I need you, I need to consume your power. It'll make me the strongest, vampire, out of all the vampire's or even creatures that ever existed," he said and with every step he took, he walked even closer to my trembling body.

"But what are you going to do when you do become the strongest? I'm guessing taking over the world or something," I questioned, raising an eyebrow. 

"Well someone's a mind reader eh?" he joked. 

"You are very right my dear and there is one thing added to this besides your power that I need," my eyebrows furrowed. "I need your...affection," he smirked devilishly.

I knew exactly what that meant...

Harry's POV:

I'm worried sick. 

I've been searching for her for hours. No one has found even a glimpse of her figure. 

I sighed and ran a hand through my sweaty hair. I still craved her touch, kisses and everything about her. I remember everything about last night and I knew it was magical. 

"Ugh!" I heard a groan escape from Adam's lips. 

"Well we cant find her mate, you're gonna have to give up on this one," Josh sighed. 

A pool of anger watered in my eyes. I clenched my fists. "We can't just 'give up' on this!"

"We will find-" 

"Oh hello there!" I was interrupted rudely by a familiar voice. 

"Ethan? What are you doing?" I glared at him on the screen. 

He let out a chuckle. "I have some one here who you've been dying to see," 

There she was, tied up in a chair with a slick of duct tape slapped around her mouth. She was trembling and trying to scream but it was muffled. She looked petrified. 

"Let. Her. Go!" I clenched my teeth and fists. 

"Oh and why would I do that?" he asked rhetorically with a smirk plastered on his face.

"Oh, you want her back. Well my answer is only two letters that spell a negative word so..." he said greedily. 

"Anyway you'll never find her. She's mine now, not yours and never will be," he switched off and the screen went black. 

I stomped my foot in frustration. 

I screamed, pushing a chair with my feet. 

"Oi! Harry calm down mate. At least we know who she's with a little bit of where she is," Louis said calmly, putting a hand on my shoulder. 

"That's not helping you know," 

He let out a small sigh. "We need to know where she is. I need her!" I screeched. 

"Why do you need her so much?" Noah asked.

"Because I love her!"


Third person's POV:

Whilst Harry was pacing round in search of thought to where his love can be, Skylar was still trembling in the white room in Ethan's house. 

She wouldn't stop shaking and wondering if she will ever get out. Her wrists were smothered with blood form her squirming and her neck was filled with vampire bites. 

Ethan had told her, after the talk with Harry, that most of her power was in her blood so he sucked half of it down his throat. 

It stung after every move of her neck. She felt weak and cold. She wanted to know terribly when she will be saved from this torturous place.

It is the worst when you're in Ethan's hands.

You will never be safe with him.



Try not to expect too many updates as I do have a busy life u know ;)

Anyway, till next time

Mia xxx

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