Chapter 6

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Previously from the last chapter:

Tick. Tick. Tick.

I've been watching the clock for hours now, my head spinning with thoughts.

What's happening to Layla? Is she hurt?

I then felt a hand on my shoulder, which caused me to jump. I slowly turned and noticed it was Annabel's sparkling eyes beaming into mine. She gave me a reassuring smile. "Don't worry too much about Layla, she'll be just fine,"

I nodded, hoping that she was right.


Skipping to the last day of Georgia's torture:

Georgia's POV:

Finally! I'm done with my week. 

My neck was smothered with dried up blood and bruises from all five of the kings. Harry thought that my torture was to get as many vampire bites as possible in one week and trust me it hurts like a bitch! 

All I m worried about now is what Skylar's torture is going to be? 

I hope she comes back still a virgin though. I chuckled to myself at my silly thoughts.

Skylar's POV:

I woke up the next morning in the depths of the dungeons that I've been instructed to sleep in the night before my week. 

I'm absolutely petrified on what going to happen for the rest of my time here. 

I didn't realise I got lost in my thought until my body jumped at the sound of keys rustling and the cage door unlocking. 

In stepped in the familiar pair of menacing eyes, which I know could only belong to one particular person.

"Well done for remembering Skylar, now please come with me," he croaked darkly, his voice hoarse. 

I gulped. 

He grasped into my wrist and pulled me closer and dragged me out the room. We walked and walked until we reached a door that said: 


I had a feeling on what my torture will be after seeing that sign.

He pushed open the door, dragging me along inside with him and locked the door shut. 

A devilish smirk appeared across his imperfect perfect face. 

"Well, I'm very excited for this." he said whilst squeezing my wrist even harder, which made me wince. 

He drew his dark gaze to my bright blue eyes and walked closer. I took many steps back until I reached the wall of the room. 

He pressed his palms above my head, trapping me against the wall. His smirk grew wider as I trembled from his touch.

He brought his head down the my earlobe "You better do this properly babe or there will be consequences. Understand?" 

I nodded without hesitation.

Immediately I felt a pair of lips push against mine. The kiss was kind of gentle but forced at the same time. I melted into the kiss and pressed my lips against his in return, causing him to smirk through the kiss. 

He brought his slender fingers down to my bum and squeezed it slightly making me gasp, causing him to thrust his tongue into my mouth. 

He brought his hands up to my thighs and pulled me up against him. He walked backwards towards the king sized bed and pushed me onto it, causing our lips to break apart. 

He tugged off his shirt and I couldn't help myself but stare. 

"Like what you see?" he smirked. 

My cheeks turned a bright pink. He smirked wider and placed himself on top of me with his legs either side of my waist. 

He tugged on the hem of my shirt and pulled it off my body, leaving me in my underwear. He pushed his lips onto my neck and sucked on the collarbone, causing my lips to release a moan and fall my head back against the soft, white pillow.

He brought his hands to my back and unclasped my bra in one swift move. He dug his head down to my naked breasts and nibbled on one, allowing me to press his head down further into my chest.

Whilst sucking on one, he drew small circles round the other using his thumb. He got to the hem of my jeans and pulled them down. He undid his jeans and peeled them off his legs making them reach to the bottom of his ankles, leaving him in his black boxers. 

He reached an arm out the draw on the bedside and pulled out a sliver packet. He ripped it open with his teeth and pulled down his boxers to place it on. 

But he hesitated. 

His eyes met mine."Would you do the honours, babe?" 

My eyes widened but I had to give in.

I took the condom from his grasp and pushed myself on top of his naked body. I brought my head down to his thumping member and I placed my palm round the tip and pushed my fingers down the sides. 

I pumped it slightly, casing Harry to let out a pleasurable moan to escape his plump lips. "Don't tease me babe,"

I stretched open the rubber and pulled it up slowly. Once I had finished, I brought my body up to meet his face. 

He pushed me down so he can lie on top of me. He peeled off the rest of my clothes and pushed himself into me, releasing loud moan as he dug two slender fingers inside. 

He pushed inside of me harder until I felt a string of pain shoot through my body. He kept on thrusting until a load of liquid exploded out of our naked bodies. 

He rolled off me whilst breathing heavily. After a while of catching our breaths, Harry got up and peeled the rubber off, throwing it away in the bin.

He pulled up a new pair of boxers and dug through his drawers until he threw me a plain t-shirt as well as my red underwear from the floor. 

I slipped on the clothes and climbed into bed with Harry following behind me. Before I knew it we were spooning on the bed sheets. 

He pulled me closer and I dug my head on his toned hard chest, falling into a black slumber.



Another sex scene for you guys, I hope you liked it.

Don't forget to hit that star button!

Ok bye!

Mia xx

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