Chapter 13

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Previously from the last chapter:

"Is there anything else you would like to know babe?" Harry smiled.

I sat there shocked about how much he knew about it all. He knew everything even before I was born!

I just sat there, gobsmacked.

"Don't hang your mouth open love, you'll catch flies,"

I closed my mouth in annoyance and spoke up. "So all of this is true?"

"Indeed. You're officially an angel babe, an actual one..."


Ethan's POV:

"Well, why didn't you tell her about me?"

"Well, would you believe me if I said that she was your daughter?" I sneered. 

She burst out laughter from her plump pink lips. "I'm not even married Ethan!" 

"You should know I'm not lying Em," I said seriously. 

She stopped laughing and shut her mouth. "W-what do you m-mean?" 

I cackled. "Oh you really want to know the real story Emerald Richards?" she showed me a shocked expression and slowly stood up. I caught her by the wrist and drew her closer.

"How about I de-hypnotise you eh?" 

She widened her eyes in fear. I dragged her to a lab and chained her to a metal chair. I slipped on some goggles and a lab coat and grabbed a muzzle and tied it round Emma's mouth. 

I grabbed the same potion that I used when I first hypnotised her and poured another substance into it to make it the opposite. I sucked some of it up in a needle syringe and walked closer to her.

I walked behind her and placed the needle to her neck. "Please don't make any sudden moves Em,

I'm just going to hurt you. Really, really bad!"

Skylar's POV:

"So if my mothers alive, then wear the fuck is she?" 

Harry formed a smirk on his flawless face, showing off his dimples. "Well would you believe me if I said that your mother is held hostage by the one and only Ethan Shulton,"

I scoffed. "Obviously I wouldn't as the word believe has a 'lie' in the middle." 

"But maybe as he is creepy as hell!" I shivered. 

"Well I'm right babe," he chuckled.

"Then how do we get her back?" I asked. 

"There is one way we can do it," 

He grabbed his walkie-talkie and spoke into it. A few moments later, all his brothers, Georgia, Annabel and Layla walked into the room. Following behind them were two faces I'd never thought I'd see again.



I ran up to my sisters and pulled them close. They hugged back straight away, burying their heads in my neck. Tears streamed down my face as I felt more drip on my shoulders from Em and Char. 

"I missed you guys so much!" I exclaimed as I pulled back from our tight emberance. 

"We missed you too Sky!" they said in sync. I gave them a weak smile and turned to face everyone else. 

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