Chapter 20. A Deal

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Freddy's POV

"You guys heard nothing after Bonnie's scream?" I ask, just to be sure. Goldie shakes his head. "No, nothing. When we came to check on him, he was just...gone!" I start to panic and walk back and forth. Where could he be....what in the world happened! "He could be anywhere!" I exclaim, starting to panic. Goldie places a hand on my shoulder. "Ssshh..don't worry, Freddy, we'll find him. Don't worry." I look up at him, lowering my ears. "But he could be anywhere...we're never going to find him..." Goldie grabs me by my shoulders. "Come on, Freddy, have faith in yourself! You're the leader." I sigh deep. "You're right, but-" "No buts! Come on, Fred, we trust you. I know we can do this, together! We're a team."

Bonnie's POV

"Come on, please! Let me out!" I cry out. "For how long has he been yelling this!?" I hear a very familiar voice ask.
"For like half an hour now." Another voice replies, which I don't recognize. "So pathetic..." Springtrap mutters and opens the door. "Please! I did nothing to you! I won't tell the others! I'll just say I didn't see a thing! But please, let me go!" I beg. Springtrap chuckles as he walks closer to me. I lift one eyebrow when I see a tall, black animatronic walking behind Springtrap. His claws and teeth are really sharp. He has a yellow hat and a yellow bowtie. "Who-who are you!?" I stutter. Springtrap grins. "I want you to meet Nightmare, Bonnie." I look at 'Nightmare' and he looks back at me with his bright, red eyes. I look back at Springtrap. "What do you want from me?" I ask, slightly scared. He chuckles slightly. "Ohhh, I just want to keep you here for a little while. I need you for something." "Huh...for what!?" I ask confused. "That's a secret." Springtrap answers and starts to walk back towards the door, Nightmare following him. " wait, please! I-I'm claustrophobic! You can't lock m-me in h-here!" I stutter in fear. "I'm sorry, bunny, there's no other way." Springtrap replies and with that he closes the door. "No, please!" I beg, hearing him lock the door. I hear Springtrap chuckle softly before he walks off. I try to get rid of the rope around my wrists and ankles, but it's no use. I observe the small room, trying to find a way to escape. I soon give up and sigh deep. Why does Springtrap need me? For what? I can't help but let a couple of tears slide down my cheek when I think about Freddy. Oh, me...

Freddy's POV

"Come on, how big can this place be!?" I exclaim, slamming the door of the storage room closed. "We have to keep looking!" Chica calls and enters the closet. After a couple of seconds she sighs and closes the door. "Bonnie's not in the closet." "Not in the Parts And Service room either." Foxy says and closes the door of the Parts And Service room. I sigh frustrated, placing my hands on my hips. "So what's next? Goldie, which room did you check?" I ask. I get not response so I turn my head to Goldie, who's sitting on one of the party tables. "Goldie?" I ask. "Goldie!?" He seems to think about something since he doesn't notice me. I walk over to him and place a hand on his shoulder. He flinches a bit and then looks up at me. "Oh, hi, Freddy." he greets me. "Goldie, I called you several times." "Oh, I'm sorry, Freddy." he apologizes. I lift one eyebrow. "Goldie, are you feeling well?" He nods. "Yeah, I'm fine. Don't worry about me." he responds and stands up. "Did you need me for something?" he asks. "Well, yah, which area's did you check?" I ask him. "Uhhmm, the backstage area and the kitchen." he replies. "Christ.....we checked all the rooms....where could he be!?" I begin to get mad again. "Yeah, where could he be?" I hear a voice behind me. "F-Freddy!" Chica stutters. I turn around and narrow my eyes when I see Springtrap. "You!" I snarl. "You have Bonnie, don't you!?" Springtrap chuckles in response. "Oh, no~I wouldn't daaare~" he teases. I clench my fists. "Easy, Freddy." Goldie whispers, before I lose control of myself. "You want him back, don't you, Freddy?" Springtrap asks. "Yes, what else do you think, idiot!?" I snap. Springtrap sighs and rolls his eyes. "Well, I just wanted to have a nice conversation with you and you already begin to scold at me. That's not very nice." I watch him as he slowly walks in circles around us. "You can easily get him back.....although......I want something in return..." "Don't you dare to use Bonnie as a medium of exchange!" I exclaim. "Haha, oh, Freddy, Freddy, Freddy. You know I have to." "Then what do you want so badly!?" I ask madly, but also a slight hint of curiosity in my voice. Seriously, though? What would he want from us? "I need to have his powers." Springtrap says, looking at Goldie. "Wait, what!?" Goldie exclaimes. "Why? You have your own!" I protest. "Do you want to see your bunny again or not?" Springtrap asks me. "Yes, of course!" I snap. "Then I need my old, dearest friend to give me his powers." Springtrap states. "Why do you need them?" I ask confused. "I like to keep a few things for myself." "Nonsense!" I snap at him. "I'm going to say it once again. Do you want to see your boyfriend again? Then you know what I want." I desperately look at Goldie, who nods. "Fine."

Bonnie's POV

"HELP!!! SOMEBODY HELP ME!!" I yell, as the fear now really begins to hit me. I'm starting to see things, I'm getting dizzy. "PLEASE, LET ME OUT!" I beg. Suddenly, I hear a sound and the door flies open. I can barely see who it is, but as soon as I see a black figure coming towards me, I know it's Nightmare. " me..." I whimper, before everything turns black.


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