Chapter 11. An Awful Day

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Freddy's POV

Foxy, Goldie, Chica and I walk over to the stage, not saying a word. "I can't believe it..." Goldie says. Chica stops walking and sinks down to her knees. "I didn't even have the chance to say I'm sorry to him. I..I..." she begins to cry again. Foxy walks over to her and kneels down. "Ssshh...the lad would've forgive ye." he says. "Ye know Bonnie." He rubs her on her back and after that gives her a hug. "Do you think Bonnie commited suicide?" Goldie asks. "I don't know how am I supposed to know!?" I snap. I sit down on stage and hide my face in my hands. "I'm sorry, Goldie. I'm sorry. I just don't know how to handle this."

Reader's POV

The golden bear walks over to Freddy and sits down next to him. "It's okay, Freddy. I also don't know. But...we have to find out what happened. And we have to tell Steve (owner) about he can replace-" "REPLACE!?!?" Freddy almost yells in my ear. "Easy, Freddy. Calm down!" "You're telling me that Bonnie will be replaced!?" "Freddy, to be honest, that's up to Steve." Freddy begins to cry and I sigh deep. Then I can't help but cry too. And again, the whole place is filled with sobs.

(A/N: Okay. So all the people think that the animatronics are automatically switched off when there's no show, but only Steve and Mike know that the animatronics are actually alive. And yeah, Goldie does perform. Only not so much like Freddy and the others.)

~Time skip to 11:55 pm~

"Guys...we have to stay strong...for...Bonnie." Goldie says between his sobs. "But why would he commit suicide..." "I...don't know, Chica." Then the doors suddenly open. Mike takes one step into the pizzeria and is welcomed by 4 animatronics crying on stage. Mike slowly closes the door behind him. "Guys...?" Goldie is the only one who looks up at him. "Goldie? What's happening?" Goldie stands up and leads him to Bonnie's room. Mike gasps when he sees Bonnie's dead body on the ground. "" Mike asks. Goldie explains the whole story. That he kidnapped Bonnie, what he did, that Chica broke up with Bonnie....
" now he commited suicide...I guess?" Mike shakes his head. "He didn't hurt himself, because there is no blood. But....maybe he has eaten something that caused him to die...but that's nothing for Bonnie! Bonnie's not into that kinda stuff! Someone is behind this..." Mike says. Mike grabs his phone and calls Steve. "...
..........Hey, Mike here. Yeah...uhh..we have a problem, you see...I hate to say it....but Bonnie is idea.....he is just lying down in his he's not don't know...." Mike suddenly looks at Goldie. "Did you checked his heartbeat?" he asks. "Freddy did." Goldie answers. Mike listens to his heartbeat, just to make sure and.......

"No heartbeat." Goldie closes his eyes, trying to hold back the upcoming tears.
"A replacement? Well...okay.....yes....I think that's okay................yes, I think that too. The children won't believe their eyes..............I'd just say that Bonnie is broken or something....and that's it not sure if he's coming back or not......yeah....they'll probably be sad.........okay......bye." Mike hangs up. "He's not happy." he sighs. "Same here. I could die right now.." "Please not. I don't want you to be dead as well." Mike says. We close the door of Bonnie's room and both walk to the office, since the others really need time for theirselves on the stage. Mike plops down on the chair and Goldie sits down on the desk. "This is so unexpected..." Mike says. Goldie sighs. "I know...and I feel so bad...I have no idea what happened. I love Bonnie so much that I just went...insane. I kidnapped him and he was so mad at me and........I wanted to talk to him, but he didn't. And now he's dead....I didn't even have the chance to make it up to him......" Mike notices the tears forming in Goldie's eyes and Mike hugs him. "He would've forgive you."

~Timeskip to 6:30 am~

"So, where is he?" Steve asks. Mike and Goldie lead him to Bonnie's room and Goldie opens the door. Steve stands there in pure shock. "Fuck." he scolds. We exit the room and close the door again. "I think I'll close the restaurant for tomorrow due to this. I have to get a new animatronic who will replace Bonnie. And I think Freddy and the others are having a hard time right now, huh?" Steve asks. Mike and I nod. "Yes..." "I just don't get it. How did this happen? Bonnie isn't the one who is into drugs. And even if he did use it, where does he gets it from?" Steve asks himself. Goldie shrugs. "I don't know, but I really don't think Bonnie used drugs. But I also have no idea what caused him to die." Steve sighs. "It's sad. Really. I liked him. So now I have to look for a replacement for Bonnie. I was already searching on the internet, and I found this bunny." Steve shows us an screenshot that he made of the bunny animatronic. "Her name is pretty similar to Bonnie, she's called Bon Bon. It's so sad we have to replace Bonnie...but what do you guys think of her?" (A/N: I know that Toy Bonnie is a male, but I'll make him a female in this story.)
"I think she looks pretty sweet." Mike says. "Same. And I think that she will be perfect." Goldie adds. Steve nods. "Alright, I'm going to the other animatronics for a moment."

Steve's POV

"Hey, guys." I say. I see they're all a bit calmed down. "I'm so sorry about Bonnie. I know that you guys are so close together." Freddy looks up at me. "Steve, are you going to replace Bonnie?" he asks. "I'm sorry, Freddy. But yes, he will be replaced." Freddy sighs deep. "I'm so sorry, Freddy." I say again. "No no, I get it. And I understand..." he replies. I smile and walk over to him. I rub his back and tears are still streaming down his cheeks. "I just want him back. I love him...he's my buddy....I...I..." Freddy cries and I continue to rub his back. Ohhh...what a day...

???'s POV

I chuckle when I see all the animatronics crying again. Emotional beasts. I turn around and laugh. "And they think you're dead. They think you're so dead! They're even going to replace you! Don't worry, Bonnie, don't worry. They'll forget you soon, and they'll be very good friends with your replacement. What was her name? Oh yeah, Bon Bon. I'm 100% sure, they'll forget you very soon." Tears streaming down his face as he tries to say something. "Hmmm! Hmmmmm!" "What did you say, bunny?" I ask, removing his gag. "You can't do this!! T-They're so sad! Can't you s-see that!?" I nod. "Yes. I can see that. They're so heartbroken, and I love it. Oh, and here comes a funny part! Freddy loves you!! Like, he wants to be your lover. And you've hurted him so much when you were dating with Chica. Haha! Priceless!!" I laugh and Bonnie's eyes widen. "He...he loves me?" I nod. "Yup." "" I quickly cover his mouth again with the gag before he could scream out Freddy's name. "Shut it!" I hiss. Tears stream down and I chuckle. "Face it, Bonnie. You'll be forgotten. And maybe, maybe Freddy will fall in love with Bon Bon. Who knows~"

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