Chapter 18. Apologize And Cuddle

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Freddy's POV

"F-Freddy.....I can't believe this is happening..." Bonnie says. I smile. "Neither can I, Bon. Hey-" I stop talking when I notice Bonnie is quivering. "Bon, dear, are you alright?" I ask concerned. He nods. "Yes, don't worry about me! I'm just.....really...overwhelmed...I didn't expect this to happen. That's it." he explains. I chuckle and kiss his forehead. "Good, because you really scared me there." I say. "I'm sorry, Freddy. I didn't mean to scare ya." "It's alright, Bon." He lays his head on my chest and I pet him on the head. "Oh....oh no..." I hear Bonnie mutter. At the moment I want to ask him what's wrong, I notice my chest is getting wet. I look down, only to see Bonnie letting his tears drop on my chest. "Huh, Bon!?" I say in confusion. I lift his chin up and the sight is just heartbreaking. He starts to cry heavily and he hugs me. I hug him back and try to calm him down. "Bon,'s okay....calm down..."

When he has calmed down a bit I let go of him and lift his chin up once again. "Bonnie...please...explain to me what's wrong with you." I say. "I....I....I feel so bad! What I said to...Chica was horrible!" he manages to say between his sobs. "Bonnie....I'm sure she'll forgive you. Besides, it's not your fault Springtrap put a spell on you and made you do that." He looks confused at me. "H-Huh?" he says. "Yeah, Springtrap put a spell on you, right? You would never say something like that to Chica." Bonnie looks confused at me and blinks a few times, before crying again. "Huh? Bonnie!? Hey, did I say something wrong? Bon, I-" "Springtrap didn't put a spell on me!! He said that you would like me if I was mean sometimes so I...I saw Chica walking and....I just don't know! I hate myself, I'm worthless, I-" "BONNIE. Will you stop, please!?" I say sternly. He immediately shuts his mouth. "I fucking love you. No matter what. You're not worthless and do not, I said do not, hate yourself. You are beautiful from the inside and the outside." "B-But I'm f-fat.." he says quietly. "Bonnie!!" I say. He looks up at me. "You are not fat. And bunny, if I notice you're trying to lose some weight, I'm not that sweet Freddy anymore, alright? You have a wonderful body, you are not fat. To me, you're just who told you all this bullshit!? Or is this coming from yourself?" I ask. He remains quiet for a couple of seconds. "U-Uhhh..this is c-coming from myself..." he finally says. I lift one eyebrow. I know he's just not speaking the truth. "Bonnie.....are you lying to me?" I ask. He shakes his head. "N-No, Freddy!" he says and obviously fakes a smile. I sigh deep. " know you can tell me everything, right? Come on, what's going on? Who told you all this nonsense?" I try. He sighs and looks at the ground. "S-Springtrap." he finally answers. I gasp and after that let out a low growl. I push Bonnie more against my chest and he rests his head on my shoulder. "Freddy...I didn't mean to lie, I-" "Bonnie, it's fine. Just promise me one thing. Never listen to Springtrap again. Never. You can't trust him, okay? He's just telling you bullshit, because he loves your reaction. He knows how innocent you are. So just....don't listen to him. I love you and I don't want you to do any stupid things with your body, okay?" I say. He nods. "Alright, go to sleep. I know you're tired." I say. "Wait......c-can I please go to Chica first? I didn't even apologize to her.." Bonnie says. I nod and Bonnie smiles. "Thanks." he says as he walks over to the door. "And I expect you to come back immediately, bunny!" I call. He turns his head to me and smiles. "Got ya!" I chuckle and watch as he exits the room.
Damn, this bunny.

Bonnie's POV

I knock on Chica's door. "Come in!" Chica says. I open the door. "Hi.." I say. "Hi, Bon! What's up?" she asks. I close the door behind me and sigh. "I'm sorry what I said to you earlier...I....wasn't really thinking straight...I'm really, really sorry and I understand if you don't forgive me." I say. Chica smiles and walks over to me. "Bon, come here." she says and spreads her arms. I get the hint and I hug her, she gladly hugs back. "Of course I forgive you, Bon. It's okay...I knew you didn't really mean it..." "I said that because Springtrap told me that Freddy would totally like me if I was mean to others....I know, it's not a reason...I should've known better....I was just being selfish.." I sigh. "No, silly, you're not selfish. You've never been selfish. You always care about others, Bonnie. That's one of the most reasons we love you so much. Bon, like I said, I forgive you. It's okay." Chica says. "I'm so glad you forgive me....oh and by the way, you're not looking bad look amazing, just like always. And you did nothing wrong in the short relationship we had. I'm just really glad we're still good friends and that we both found someone else to love.." I say. Chica laughs. "Hihi, thank you! And yes, you're totally right." We let go of each other. "I'm really glad I apologized to you, Chica. So now we both can sleep peacefully, without thinking about....what happened, right?" I say. She nods and smiles. "Yes! Well, I'm saying goodnight to you then, Bon!" she says and we give each other one last hug. "Goodnight, Chica." I say. I exit her room and walk back to my own room, where Freddy is waiting for me. I enter the room and Freddy looks up at me. "Everything alright now?" he asks. I nod and smile. "Yes!" He smiles as well. "I'm really glad to hear that. Now, turn off the lights, it's already 2 am and you really need your sleep." Freddy says. I nod and turn off the lights. I walk over to my bed and jump in it, accidentally landing on Freddy. He grunts in pain and I gasp. "Oh my god I'm so sorry, Freddy! It's pitch black I didn't see you!" I quickly apologize, getting of him. "It's alright, Bon." he says and takes me in his arms. "Goodnight..." he whispers and kisses me on the cheek. "Goodnight." I whisper back and close my eyes, soon falling asleep.

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