Chapter 10. Unexpected

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Freddy's POV

I wake up and remember that it's Sunday. So we have the day off. I look at the clock and see that it's already 11 am. Wow! I usually never wake up that late. I get out of my bed and open the door. I walk straight to the party room. Chica and Foxy sit down on the stage and I think it's better not to disturb them. Foxy rubs her back, Chica is probably still upset of what happened yesterday. I walk over to Bonnie's room and notice that the door is locked. Hmm, that's odd. Bonnie never locks his door. "Bon?" I ask. No reply. "Bonnie?" I try again. Still nothing. "Hey, Bonnie!!" I call out worried. "Freddy, please!! Leave me alone!" he answers. "Oh come on buddy! Open the door. We can talk-" "I don't want to talk!!" I sigh. "Alright, Bon. I'll leave you alone right now. But I'll be back in an hour, and then you have to open that door!" I say sternly and walk away to my room. I sit down on my bed and sigh deep. It really hurts me to see Bonnie like that. He's always so cheerful and full of laughter, like Chica. They actually are the perfect match, they have a lot in common. But..I just love Bonnie. I love him so much...words can't even describe how much I care for him. I start to think about how I can make him happy again, but actually....I have no clue. I don't know how to fix his broken heart. Suddenly the door flies open and I look up. I notice tears rolling down his cheeks and that's really weird to see since Goldie hardly ever cries.
"Can I please t-talk to you..." he sniffs out. I nod and he closes the door behind him.

"I'm really an idiot.." he sighs. "Don't say that, Goldie. Sure, what you did was really wrong, but you promised never to do that ever again, huh?" I say. Goldie nods. "A real idiot would still do it." Goldie can't help but chuckle and I continue to rub his back. "It's really going to be okay, Goldie. Believe me." "Okay.." he says. "Oh yeah, can I ask you something?" "Sure." I reply. "Well, are Foxy and Chica together or what? Because I..well..uhh..I saw them kissing on stage." WHAT!? Okay, I know Chica said that she likes Foxy, but how can she do this? She hasn't even broke up with Bonnie for an entire day! How can she do such a thing like this? "I really can't believe that. She told me yesterday night that she loves Foxy. So she told Bonnie and he's still really pissed off and upset. But...she hasn't even broke up with him for a whole day...I can't believe she can immediately kiss someone else.." I say. "Neither can I. I would be really heartbroken if I just broke up with someone." Goldie says. "Same here. But...well it's Chica's life you know....but I think we're going to have a really hard time here in the pizzeria." I say. Goldie nods. "Yup." Then, again, the door flies open. "Freddy!" Chica pants out. "It''s Bonnie!! He...he...." she sinks down to her knees and begins to cry heavily. "Chica, what is going on!?" I run over to her and kneel down to her level. "Chica, hey! Hey! What's wrong? What's up with Bonnie?" I say really worried. She tries to talk but she is too sad to say a word. Sobbing is the only thing you can hear. "Oh..Chica come on!" I say. Goldie also kneels down. "He..he.." "Yes..heeee?" I say.

" dead!!"

"WHAT!!??" I yell. I run to his room and see that the door is already opened.

I enter the room and stand still.
Bonnie's body is lying down on the ground. He doesn't move at all. Could it....could it really be....true? I run over to him and kneel down. I put my head on his chest.....but....
No heartbeat.
And here I am...kneeling down next to a....dead...Bonnie. Bonnie. Bonnie is dead. Bonnie. Bonnie. Bonnie!!!! "NOOOOOOOO!!!" I scream. "BONNIE WAKE UP WAKE UP!!!" I yell in fear. "Bonnie..." I whisper. "BONNIE!!!!!" I yell. I cry really loud and hear Goldie and Chica cry as well. Foxy runs over to me and then he covers his mouth. "No...." he whispers. I nod and Foxy sinks down to his knees. "Bonnie is dead!!" I cry. Foxy starts to cry as well and soon the entire pizzeria is filled with sobs.

Woohhh cliffhanger! Alright I'm so so so sorry I haven't updated this story in a long time. I was freaking busy and I really wasn't in the mood to write.

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