Chapter 13. Back

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Bonnie's POV

I still can't talk. I want to scream for help, but I just can't......
Suddenly Springtrap walks over to me again. "You know, Bonnie..." he says. I look up at him. "I don't know why Freddy likes you so much. I really have no idea. You're so pathetic. And so, so emotional." I hold back my tears and just continue to look at him. He does have a point. I'm really, really emotional. "Also, I don't know what you've been eating lately, a lot of pizza I guess, but you look fat. Try to lose some weight, bunny." His words hit me like like a bullet. I-I'm fat...? "I heard Freddy say that he really likes you, Bonnie. But he also said that he thinks you're fat." He removes the gag, allowing me to speak. "H-he said that? But Freddy would n-never say something like t-that.." I say. "Well, he did. Listen, Bonnie. I'm only saying this to help you. If you lose some weight, Freddy will totally fall for you. I know you like him, Bonnie. I know you want Freddy." I look down. I just have to lose some weight!
"Oh and you should do something about your behavior. Be more aggressive. Freddy thinks you're a softie." Springtrap says. I sigh. I had no idea Freddy thought I was fat and a softie. "He did say it, Bonnie. It's time to change some things, don't you think? Make him fall in love with you! Oh and..." Springtrap leans in by my ear. "He thinks it totally cool if you're mean sometimes. He loves that, bunny~"

Freddy's POV

"Jesus, the pizzeria is so big. Where the hell is that basement?" I ask, a bit frustrated. "There!" Goldie says, pointing to a door. We all run over to it and I try to open it, but it's locked. I growl and kick the door down to the ground. "Bonnie!!" I call. I see Bonnie tied up against the wall and Springbonnie standing in front of him. "Springbonnie!!" Goldie calls. Goldie runs in the basement in the first place. He stops right in front of his old friend. "Springbonnie!! You are awake!!!!" "My name is not Springbonnie anymore. It's Springtrap." "Uhh...okay?" Goldie answers. I totally skip Springbonnie and Goldie and walk over to Bonnie. "Are you okay?" I ask him. I see tears streaming down his face and he totally ignores me. "Bonnie?" I try again, lifting his chin up. He looks at me with his watery, magenta eyes. "Bonnie...are you okay?" He gives a small, simple nod as respond. I look at Springtrap. "Did you do this to him?" I ask. Springtrap chuckles. "Maybe~" I want to punch him, but Goldie grabs my fist. "Thank you, my old friend~" Springtrap says to Goldie. "Freddy, stop!" Goldie says. I pull my fist back and just ignore the two animatronics. I untie Bonnie and Bonnie quickly runs away. Foxy, Steve and Mike try to hold him back but Bonnie is way too fast.

Bonnie's POV

I cry and run to my room. I have to lose weight, I have to be a meanie and I have to quit being emotional!!!

I'll do it all, just for Freddy...

I sit down on my bed and hug my knees. Am I really that fat? I look down to my stomach. Springtrap and Freddy are right...I am fat.

I watch my tears land down on my knees and soon I cry myself to sleep.

Freddy's POV

I walk over to Bonnie's room and knock on the door. "Bonnie?" I ask. No answer. I open his door and see that he's asleep. I walk over to him and sit down next to him. I look at his face and see tears running down. His knees are wet as well. I wipe away his tears and smile.
I'm so happy he's back with us again, but something in me tells me that it's not going to be like it's supposed to be.
And that it has to do something with Bonnie....


A short lil' chappie :)

~Unknown Feelings~Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora