Chapter 1

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Normani's POV  

It's one of those nights again where I'm woken up by a horrid dream. I'm covered in sweat from head to toe trying my utmost best to breathe while all the muscles in my body are contracting simultaneously.

I'm having a panic attack.

My PTSD won't give me a break and I don't know what to do. I know you're thinking, Why don't you take your medication? Well, I stopped taking my meds to see if I'd function without them, but I guess I thought wrong.

I stretched across the moon lit room, reaching for my phone on my bedside table with my hands still contracted because of the current state I'm in. Prior to doing so, I knocked over the glass of water I brought to my room the night before. GreatNow shattered glass and water is probably everywhere.

With the little energy I had in me, I dialed the first person that came to my mind; Dinah.
After about 4 rings she finally answered.

"D-Dinah" I stuttered out.

"Who the - wait, Man-" She managed to answer before I cut her off.

"I- I c-c-can't breathe...B-bad d-dream." I stuttered out, feeling like I'm about to die or pass out.

"Hey, don't worry I'm coming over ok?" She said as I heard shuffling in the background.

"Ok." I got out before she hung up.

Dinah lived a few minutes away from me so I know she'll be over here in no time. A few minutes after she hung up, I heard my front door being opened so I knew it was her.
While she was on her way over, I managed to get my eyes opened and my breathing slightly intact. While keeping my eyes opened to try and see if I can witness her arrival, I saw the door knob twisted and the door opened quietly.

As soon as she saw my fragile appearance, she timidly made her way to my bed. She took me into her arms kissing my head, trying to unclench my fists, simultaneously whispering that everything is going to be ok. This made me cry even more because she's here and I know she'll make everything ok.

"Mani I'm here now princess, nobody's going to hurt you" She said drying my tears and rocking us back and forth. 

"I'm s-ssorry I-"

"No, there's nothing to be sorry about." She told me, hugging me tighter and pulling me closer to her chest.

A few minutes after being in the comfort of her arms, she started to hum to no particular tune. 

"Go to sleep princess, I've got you."

I nod my head, scared that my voice would fail me. That's the last thing I heard before passing out.


This is my first ever fanfic so please be nice. I love Norminah and there aren't much Norminah fanfics out there. So yea, again, please be nice. Like and comment and tell me if I should continue or not.😁

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