70: Journey to Atlantia

Start from the beginning

"I trust your judgement." Derek nods. Wow, that is the nicest thing he has ever said to me. I'm touched. Then one by one, everyone else in the room also say that they are with me and will follow me to the end. Once the final person has finished talking, I find myself in tears. "Thank you, it means so much to hear that." I sniffle as the tears roll down my face. I smile around at the pack. Scott reaches his hand out and wipes the tears off my cheeks with his hand and smiles at me softly.

"There seems to be only one major problem. Only Stiles and Kara can breathe underwater." Scott points out to the rest of us, looking over at Deaton. The veterinarian smiles mischievously. "I think I have a way around that." He says.

"You said that you could make a potion that could allow people to breathe underwater." I remember. Realization dawns on everyone's face as they think back to the argument about whether I should go to the Emerald Sea or not. Well, everyone that is except for Scott. Of course he wouldn't remember, since he was in a coma. Oh well, it doesn't matter now. "How long will it last them?" I ask Deaton curiously.

"24 hours. If they are underwater for any longer than that without another dose of the potion..." Deaton trails off.

"Yeah, I think we get the picture." Malia remarks.

"Does the potion taste disgusting?" Isaac wrinkles his nose.

"Not as bad as most of the potions I make, like the one that gives merpeople legs." Deaton laughs. Kara and I exchange looks of disgust at the mention of that potion. I groan in dismay as I realize that I'll have to take another potion next month. My birthday has definitely creeped up on me. A few people chuckle at our reactions, including Scott. "Well, I for one hope it tastes bad so they get some idea as to what we went through." I comment with a smirk.

"Agreed." Kara pipes up.

"So, what's the plan?" Malia asks for clarification.

"Okay, so we will swim down to Atlantia. We will have to sneak in there and try not to be seen by anyone or anything swimming about in the open. Chances are that they are the bad guys. We will make our way down into the underwater caves. We will try to gather up as many merpeople that are willing to fight as possible. We will see how many weapons we have as a group. Then we will head to the castle where I assume Vanessa is holding my father. I'm sure she'll be there too. We'll have to fight anything that tries to attack us. We need to get my dad's trident off her. We will have a better chance of defeating her then. We will keep fighting until Vanessa and her army are defeated." I answer after a few moments of careful consideration.

"Easier said than done." Derek mutters.

"We have to try." Liam tells the sour wolf.

"We will win. I know we can." Scott says with an air of confidence.

"Do you want to try and find your other friends?" Kira asks curiously. My heart aches as I think back to my old friends. I miss them a lot. I really hope they are okay. "As much as I want to see them again, it's more important to keep Atlantia safe. If we don't see them in the tunnels or something, once we've defeated Vanessa, I will do everything in my power to find them." I answer.

"Smart choice." Deaton nods.

"How long will it take to make the potion?" Derek asks.

"Not long. Maybe an hour? I suggest that you guys go home, grab some swimwear and then head back here. I doubt you'll want to go swimming in clothes." Deaton suggests. Scott, Lydia, Kira, Isaac, Malia, Liam and Derek nod in response. "I'll see you soon babe, okay?" Scott assures me after he kisses me on the cheek. My heart misses a beat and I feel my cheeks flush. Everyone in the room smiles at Scott and I, feeling happy for the two of us. "Don't be too long, Scotty." I smirk as I pull my boyfriend in for a quick kiss on the lips. I hear Kira and Lydia make noises of excitement from behind us. "I won't be." Scott promises as I pull away. I reluctantly let go of Scott's hand. I watch as most of the pack members file out of the room, leaving only Deaton, Kara and I.

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