jokers lady

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Recap people...

He then looks at Harley and says "you're a lucky man you gotta bad bitch"when he said that something inside me snapped and anger grew.

Jokers POV

"Oh that she is" I say pointing to Harley on the dance floor "the fire in my loins" I say continue looking at him "the itch in my conch" I starting saying louder as the anger builds up "the one the only the infamous Harley Quinn" just then we all look at Harley who takes the chains she used to dance with and holds it like a gun and acts like she's shooting everyone.

I then whistle for Harley to come to me "oh yes come to daddy" she comes threw the chain curtains smiling "puddin" she says with a laugh "listen you are my gift to this" I point at monster T"handsome hunka hunka" I look back at Harley "you belong to him now" just then Harley moves towards him and sits on his lap.

She looks at him and acts likes she's gonna bite him and laughs "you're cute" I hear her say as I walk behind her angrily "you want me I'm all yours" she continued I couldn't control it any longer my anger was out and my breathing came out fast and heavy.

Monster T looks at my expression so does Harley and says"I don't want no beef"I look at him "you don't want no beef? You don't want no beef!"I say louder Harley looks at him "why what's wrong you don't like me? Fine don't waste my time then".

She gets up and goes to sit in my place where I was watching her from just then monster T spoke"that's your lady j..." I cut him off "listen..."I begin to ask him "are you enjoying yourself?" I finished ask as I sat on the table in front of him.

He looks at me scared of what I might do "no that's your lady joker" I laugh and ran my hands through my hair "that's right" I said with a laugh I got up and walked in front of him where Harley sat and took my gun out to shoot him "yo j!" He says and I shot him.

'She's my lady' I thought as I looked at his now dead body Harley laughing behind me I looked at Harley and started laughing also "come on pumpkin we're going home" she looks at me and smirks "ooo goody let's go Mr j" I leave my gang member in charge of the club while me and Harley got into the purple Lamborghini and took off.

Authors note: well guys how do you like it let me know

Peace out

LOVE DRIVES YOU CRAZY (Joker X Harley)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora