Damn it!

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Harleys POV

I woke up with light streaming down onto my face with a groan I woke up to only find myself in what looks like a basement old dirty and rundown light streaming through the small window seal. I tried to move to see where I was but only to realise I've been chained to the wall.

I then remembered what had happened last night and anger boiled inside me "FOR FUCK SAKES!" I screamed "LET ME FUCKING GO PENGUIN!" I then heard footsteps coming to me and the door slammed open to be meant with the two faced bitch himself.

"Well well well lookie who's awake" he smiled at me "what do you want with me?!" I growled at him "well my dear harley your boyfriend is what I want" I looked at him and started laughing.

"Really now? Wow penguin you really surprised me this time! I said laughing he looked at me confused "tell me, why the sudden change?" I asked him then it hit him and he slapped me "listen you little bitch I only want your boyfriend cause I wanna rule his world as the king of Gotham!"he growled at my face.

"Hahahahaha good luck then getting him to come for me cause he ain't my puddin no more" I laughed at him but he only smirked "really?" He asked "yes the joker doesn't care about me no more I left him THREE WEEKS AGO!" I said he just laughed.

"Harley you're his and I've never seen joker care so much like he does for you I'm sure he'll come for you cause you're the jokers girl after all!"he said smirking "LET ME GO!" I screamed at him "no chance sweetheart"he said walking back up the stairs.

"Damn it" I mumble 'Mr j ain't gonna for me he doesn't care about me he only cares about himself' I thought as I sighed as started singing moon shines red by Jamie mcdell.

Don't rescue me

Don't rescue me

Take what's left of me

This grey reality

And the moon shines red tonight

As I break your heart

And sever mine

Calling out to me I'm holding on

But my bodys caving in

Calling out to me

I know I've won but it don't mean anything

Its blinding me its fighting me yea

So I wait till morning comes

And dance in all we could have done

Authors note: poor harley omg I'm crying right now oh Harley *wipes tears away* Mr j come for Harley please.


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