Dancing With A Demon [Part One]

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*Sam's POV*

I put my feet up on the coffee table and let out an overly dramatic sigh. My dad looked over at me and cocked his head.

"What's up with you?" He asked. I shrugged, not really knowing what to say. How do you tell your father that you don't trust yourself around your girlfriend because you're scared that you'll hurt her. "Is it Madisyn?" I nodded slowly and leaned back against the couch.

"Have you ever felt like you were going to hurt mom so you were afraid to be near her?" I asked. He looked away and sighed.

"More than I should've. Why? Is that how you feel with her?" I nodded. "I see. Well, just keep a safe distance between you and her. Instead of seeing her everyday, maybe just once a week or every other day. That's what I had to do with your mother." I sighed once again

"Thanks." I said before standing up and walking to my room. I shut the door and checked the clock, 8:45. I thought it was later. I laid down on my bed and closed my eyes. I was exhausted. All I could think of was Madi and the Demon with those bright eyes.


My heart was pounding but I had to keep running, he was after me.

"Sammy, there's no sense in running, I'll always be here, watching, waiting." I could hear the raspy voice in my ear. I called for Cas but he wouldn't come. Just because he's an angel doesn't mean he has to avoid demons. I came to a stop at an abandoned building. I looked around, no sight of yellow eyes. I ran inside and there he was. "Now's the time, Sam." He said before lunging at me.

*end dream*


I woke up to the sound of my phone vibrating. I reached over Cas to grab it, Sam texted me.

"I saw him again. He was in my dream and he was chasing me and lunged at me. Dean, I'm really scared. Come to dad's. I need to talk to you." I put my phone down and got out of bed, careful to not wake Castiel. I wrote a quick note after I got dressed and got my boots on and left. As soon as I got to my dad's house, Sam ran out the door.

"He's inside the house, dad's door is locked. I banged on the door but he won't wake up. Dean come on!" Sam grabbed my wrist and pulled my to our father's window. He needed me to open it. I quickly stuck my pocket knife under the window crack and propped it open.

"Dad?" I whisper/yelled.

"Dean, get Sam in here and you too, hurry." He said urgently. I lifted Sam so he could jump in easier then I followed after. He handed us both a shotgun with salt rounds.I looked over and Sam was looking at me with a look of confusion. I shrugged and looked back at our father. He pulled a rug up to show us the devil's trap underneath it. I nodded as he placed it back down. There was a loud thud outside the door followed by the door swinging open. Yellow eyes.

"You have to be smarter than that." He said as he walked over the rug, not stepping on it. "This'll be fun."

(Hello! Sorry for not updating in a while, my laptop and computer wasn't working and I can't update it off my iPod I don't know why though. Also, sorry about the cliffhanger. I hope you like this chapter. I know, it's not very long but the next chapter will be longer and more intense ;) hehehe. Well, I'm going to go now. I LOVE YOU ALL! <3 c;)

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