Crowley's Opinion

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I pulled out my phone to check what time it was, 7:30.

"Dean, could you bring me back to my hell hole? I need to finish my work and get things together?" I asked. Dean looked over at me then back to the road.

"But your dad's there.." He started. "You want to be with him?" I made a disgusted face.

"I don't want to live with him but I have to until I get money to live somewhere away from him." I heard Dean breathe in loudly as he pulled the Impala over to the side of the road.

"You know, you could always move in with me." He offered.

"Dean.." I started. I breathed out loudly. "We just got together, we should wait before making a move like that."

"We don't have to sleep in the same bed if you don't want. We would just be living together as a new couple.." He sighed. "Cas, I don't want you near him as much as you don't want to because whenever you're near him, you get hurt either emotionally or physically and that makes me hurt. I don't like seeing you like that.." I blushed slightly and looked down.

"Okay, fine, I'll live with you." I looked back into his eyes. His green ones pierced my blue ones. "But we'll have to cuddle, Winchester." I laughed. Dean sarcastically ruffled his eyebrows but laughed as well.

"Fine." He said with fake annoyance.

"I'm going to have to get my stuff tonight so tomorrow before you head to the campus, just get me and after that, we'll go back to your house." I said with a smile. Dean nodded in agreement.


I pulled into Cas' driveway. He turned towards the car door and started to get out.

"What?" I asked. "No goonight kiss?" I fake pouted. He rolled his eyes but blushed.

"I guess you can have one." He teased and leaned over, planting a small peck to my lips. "Good night, Dean." He smiled.

"Night, Cas." I said as he closed the door. I pulled out of the driveway just to pull into the bar. I got out and walked right in.

"Welcome to Chester's Pub. What can I get for ya'?" A busty southern woman asked. I could feel my insides getting warm as I resisted the urge to stare at her jugs.

"I'll take a cold one." I said, putting on my best 'I want to touch your boobs but I'm taken' look. She smiled and turned away. I ran my hand through my hair. I looked around and made eye contact with someone I didn't want to see right now.

"Winchester." Crowley smirked, walking over to me. I sighed annoyingly as he sat down. He looked confused. "Ugh, you have the stink of faggot on your clothes. Where were you, widdle Cassie's house?" He teased.

"I actually was with him for most of the day. Why does it matter to you?" I snapped.

"You do know it was only a dare to have a date with him. Not a dare to be his boy toy." I scoffed.

"I'm not his boy toy so stop. But he's actually a nice person so me and him are friends now." The word friends slipped out so easily.. We weren't friends, We were dating.. I couldn't have Crowley find out. Not now, not ever.

"I can tell you're lying, you dumb lump." He sneered. My eyes widened but I quickly changed my expression to a scowl. " you are his little boyfriend." He joked.

"You know what Crowley, just because you're a homophobic dick doesn't mean I am!" I yelled. "Just go the fuck away."

"That's not what your mom said last night." He crossed the line. I stood up and tackled him to the floor, punching him repeatedly. I saw the busty waitress walk out wiht my beer but she dropped it and called for the cops but I didn't care. I continued punching the living shit out of Crowley but just as I thought I won, he pushed me off him and started punching me. I felt the welts on my face form as I tried to push him off me. Fat son of a bitch wouldn't budge. I lifted my arm towards him and got him square in the jaw. He staggered off of me but came back towards me.

"Get the hell away from me!" I screamed as he inched closer. I heard sirens in the distance.I connected my fist to his cheek.

"You punch well for a faggot!" He screamed before pushing me back down. I heard the doors of the bar bust open as four cops pulled me and that scum-bag apart. I felt the cold metal of handcuffs being put on my wrists. I thought about Cas.. What would he do if he saw me all bruised up being put into the back of a police cruiser..? The cop lead me out of the doors that he burst open and I looked over and saw his worried face.

"I'm sorry.." I mouthed to the wide eyed Cas.

(Yep, Dean got arrested... CROWLEY WAS TALKING ABOUT HIS MOMMA!!! Heh, anywaaay, I know people read my notes! Yayyy ~(*_*)~ Dance partaay. Uhmmmm, I don't know what to say. I have no clue. None. Zip. Zero. So heh erm, do you have any ideas for the story like what you want to see. I need ideas, I mean, I have many but the more the merrier.. I'm ranting.. Sorry. Welp, I'm going to go now, my neighbor is smashed & it's quiiiiite funny. I LOVE YOU ALLLL!!! I"ll try to update within the week but idkkk. <3 c; )

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