Maybe This Is Right

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"Maybe I am." She said with a slight smirk on her face. I gave her a confused look but she gave me a reassuring smile. She stayed there for a while, ignoring the fact that it was almost ten at night. "Have you talked to Dean since last night..?" She asked.

"Yeah, he visited me earlier but left because tomorrow's Monday. Sorry about last night anyways. Me and him were drunk and I was nervous for you..." I said, looking down. I know what I did was right but it was also wrong. I don't want her going off and partying all the time but I don't want her to not grow up.

"Cas, it's fine. I get it, you were just trying to look out for me." She said, comforting. I looked back up at her. She looked just like our mother.

"You should get going, you have school tomorrow, missy." I said with sass, trying to make her laugh. Success.

"I guess. Ugh.. Bye, Cas, see you tomorrow." She said, laughing. "Love you, fruity!" She added before dashing out of the room. She knows I'm not fond of that nickname. I layed my head back onto the pillows. I was tired but I couldn't fall asleep, all I could think about was Dean. The kiss. My feelings for him. The kiss felt soo right but it was wrong. He isn't gay, we were both drunk but it felt so nautral. The way both of our lips locked and move in sync, it was so.. So right. I ran a frustrated hand through my hair. I want to text Dean and ask him if he feels weird after the kiss but positively but I'm pretty sure he's dislike me more than he already does. The only thing different about us since then is that we talk a litle more but I'm pretty sure it's going to end once school starts for the week. Dean & I talking is a one time wonder.. I shut my eyes, I was feeling tired and sad and all I knew is that I didn't want to be awake right now.


I sat up, panting & sweating.

"What the..?" I said to myself, thinking about my dream. How'd I die and what was that noise.. I rubbed the sweat off my face and got out of bed once I untangled myself from the sheets. I walked to a kitchen and turned on the tv before grabbing a beer. It was about 2:30ish but I didn't care, I didn't feel like sleeping after that dream. I sat down and took a sip, the cold liquid making my core cooler. I could feel my eye lids getting heavy after about 15 minutes of watching infomercials about vaccuums. I didn't know a ball could make it easier to get corners.. I chuckled to myself as I turned off the tv and walked back to my room. My head hit the pillow but I wasn't tired anymore.. I could feel Cas' lips on mine even though he was still in the hospital. I pushed away the thought of the kiss. It was nothing, he was nothing but a kid I was dared to ask on a date. Maybe me and him could be friends but nothing more, me and him are nothing alike. What am I saying? I'm trying to say that a guy I can't stop thinking about is nothing to me. I picked up my phone, I was dying to talk to him.

"Hey, I know you're sleeping but I saw a thing on tv and it reminded me of you." I lied, ignoring the fact that it was about three in the morning. After ten minutes of no responce, I decided to try to sleep, obviously he was sleeping so I should be too.


I woke up to the sound of my phone going off, Cas replied.

"Sorry, I was sleeping. Haha. But what was it?" He asked. I panicked, I didn't know what to say.

"It was this guy, he had briiight blue eyes like yours.. (:"  I replied, hoping to sound convincing.

"Oooh, okay. I might be back in school tomorrow, my head & wrist are better somehow.. It's weird but.. Yeah. Could you bring my work to the hospital or my house (depending where I am) after you get out? I don't want to be behind ._."  Castiel asked. I sighed, I feel like his bitch.

"Sure but I'm not your bitch. Hahah." I replied, putting my phone onto the table. I put on some loose jeans, a black AC-DC shirt, and a red flannel and headed out towards my baby, putting my phone in my pocket.

(A/N Hiya guys. Ermmm... I won't be publishing until next weekend, well, I'm publishing only on the weekends because of school -_- But yeah, ENJOY THE CHAPTER. I LOVE YOU ALLLLL!!! <3 Cx)

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