Day With An Angel

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*Sam's POV*

"Babe, I can tell that you're tired, why don't you go home?" Madisyn asked, yawning after I did.

"But then I'd have to leave you and I don't want to do that." I said, pulling her closer

"But my dad would freak if he saw you here." She said, wide eyed.

"Don't worry, he won't care, it's not like we're doing anything bad, I wouldn't do that to you, yet. Not until you're at least fifteen or sixteen." She rolled her eyes but laid her head on my chest. I felt her lips lightly kiss my shoulder as she looked back up at me, puckering her lips slightly. I leaned my head down and kissed her, fully. We both shifted so she was on my lap, still kissing me. We moved our lips in sync as I pulled her chest to mine, wrapping my arms around her. She fidgeted slightly as I moved my hands up where her wings came out .

"Try not to touch there, it's really sensitive and it makes me a little... happy.." She said, awkwardly.

"I'll try not to touch there but no promises later in life." I winked. She scrunched her nose at me before burying her face into my neck. "Comfy?" I asked. I felt a slight nod as she mumbled yes. I laughed as I held her body to mine.

*Madisyn's POV*

Sam's cologne filled my nose as I breathed in.

"Madi?" He whispered.

"Yeah, Sam?" I said, looking up at his face.

"I love you." He mumbled. My eyes went wide and I could feel my hands getting clammy. My heart was obviously trying to pound it's way out of my chest. I didn't know what to say. This whole relationship thing is new to me and my father (God) would not appreciate it. I took a deep breath.

"Uh.. Sam, you do realize that you are apparently in love with the body and angel that's inside of this girl.. Right?" I asked, words coming out like vomit.

"Well, yeah, but it's the same person. You and Cas's little sister have the same name so technically, I'm in love with her." He said, rolling his eyes.

"I don't mean to make this difficult for you but I'm far different from my vessel. She's more shy than I am. You've never met the actual girl I'm taking over. Ask Castiel about how his younger sister randomly went from shy and quiet to loud and outgoing in just one day. He knows it's weird and questioned it up until the other day when I told him who I really was. I could leave this body so you can meet the real her but I'm not certain that she would think of you the way I do." I suggested. Sam nodded.

"Let's try that but what if she doesn't like me or I don't like her?" He asked.

"Then I'll come back but no promises." I said. "Okay, I'm leaving her body in three, two, one." I left her body and watched as they talked.

*Madisyn's (without angel) POV*

I widened my eyes as I realized I was in control of my own body finally. I made eye contact with Sam for the very first time in my life. Without an angel of course.

"Hi." I barely managed to get out. Sam smiled.

"Hey. I'm Sam, I pretty much know who you are, Madisyn, Cas's younger sister." Cas..

"Oh my god.. Cas!" I almost yelled as I ran towards the stairs. I ripped the door open and ran up to his room. It was empty except for a note on the table. I picked it up and started reading. Dean? I ran back down to where Sam was. "You have to take me to Cas and Dean's house. Please!" I begged.

"No problem, but do you know Dean yet?" He asked. I shook my head.

"I've only heard what Cas said about him."

"Then you must've not been able to see or hear while that angel was in you." Sam held my hand as he led me to the door. What..?

"I don't want that angel back inside me. Wait.. Where's my mom's car?" I asked.

"Cas'll explain when we get there." Sam said.


Dean shoved his tongue inside my mouth as he hovered over me. I pulled him closer as I forced my tongue into his mouth. Our intimate moment was ruined by a knock at the door. Dean put his shirt and opened the door as I was still putting mine on.

"Cas!" Madi yelled as she ran towards me, hugging me.

"Uh.. Hey.. Why're you so affectionate all of a sudden." I asked, confused by her sudden hug.

"The angel left my body so now I have control!" She almost yelled in excitement. "Cas, I had no control over my body at all, she was talking and doing all the things for me."

"Wait, so you had zero control over what you did..? Could you at least see what was going on?" I asked, hoping she didn't. I didn't want her to see what our father has done to me. She nodded.

"I just wanted to yell and scream and hurt him whenever he hurt you." She said as if she read my mind. "I'm sorry I couldn't help you." Madi said, tears beginning to roll down her cheeks.

"Hey, don't cry. I didn't want you to do anything, he would've hurt you too." I cooed, wiping the tears from her face.

"S..Should we go so you and her can catch up..?" Dean asked. I looked up towards him and nodded.

"Thank you." I said. Dean pressed his lips to mine before leaving with Sam.

"Woah.. I didn't know you and Dean were together! I thought he didn't know you." She said, cocking her head.

"Oh, you have catching up to do, Madi."


The silence was pounding in my head. Sam was just looking out the window, expressionless, not saying a word.

"Hey, Sam." I said, attempting to break the silence. Should I tell him about the demon in my dream or whatever? It was only a dream, it didn't matter. But it felt so real.

"Yeah?" He said, looking over.

"I had this dream.. But the weird thing is, it felt real.. I was face to face with a demon and he said that he was the one that killed mom in your nursery all those years ago. I just thought I should tell you." I barely got out.

"Well, obviously it was a dream, demons aren't real.." He snapped, suspiciously.

"Yeah, I bet you said that about angels before you met Madisyn." Sam shot a look over towards me.

"You leave her out of this, she has nothing to do with this!"

"Want to know what's still buzzing in my head?" I asked. "Why you wanted to leave soo bad after Madi told us who she really was and why you wouldn't tell us how you knew that she was an angel before she told you."

"I said it wasn't important so let it go." He demanded but I wasn't taking any of that.

"No, I'm not just going to let this 'go'. There's something my brother is hiding and I have no idea why but you get so tensed up over the mention of demons and angels. Is that what you are?! A demon? An angel?"

"No, neither. I couldn't tell you what exactly I am. I know I'm human but there's something inside me that makes my senses sharper and my reactions quicker." He said, looking down.

"There's something wrong with you, Sam and I'm not going to rest until I know exactly what is going on inside you."

(welp, the angel is out and the real Madi is back. Okay, personally, I think this chapter was really weird but I hope you guys like it. Do you have any suggestions like what you want to see more? I put in some Dean and Sam brother time *omg hahaha* and some Madi and Cas and a little bit of Destiel because I don't know what you guys want to see so I'm just adding a little of everything until I know what people want to see. A little spoiler, you might cry in the next chapter. Not saying why but you might. I cried coming up with it.. okay, well, this is getting long and I bet you guys are tired of reading this little note so I'm going to go off and read some fanfics. I LOVE YOU ALL!!! <3 c; )

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