The Big Decision

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"Cas!" Dean yelled as he made his way down a small hill towards me.

"Dean.." I said, quietly.

"Cas.." He repeated and laughed, hugging me. "Oh, it's good to see you. Nice peach fuzz."

"Thank you." I said, expressionless.

"I want you to meet somebody. This is Benny. Benny, this is Cas." Dean said, looking from me to Benny.

"Hola." He said, awkwardly. My mind was on other things than meeting new people.

"How did you find me?" I asked, grimly, giving Dean a hard stare.

"The bloody way." He muttered. "Feeling okay?"


"You mean, am I still" I made a hand motion to say crazy but shook my head 'no'.


"Good, I wanted to know but how do we make sure?" He said, looking kind of relieved.


"No, I'm perfectly sane but then 94% of physcotics think that their perfectly sane so I guess we have to ask ourselves, what is sane?" I said back, questioning myself if I really was sane.


"Yeah good question." He said quickly.


"Why did you bail on Dean?" Benny said out of no where. Dean gave him a look.


"Dude.." Dean started.


"The way I hear it, you two hit monster land and hot wings here took off. I figure he owes you some back up." Benny said, accusing me of leaving Dean to die.


"We were surrounded, okay." Dean defended. "Some freak jumped Cas and obviously, he kicked it's ass, right?" Dean looked at me.


"No.." I started and hung my head.


"What?" Dean gave me a hard look.


"I ran away.."


*End Dream*

I opened my eyes as the sunlight was coming in from the blinds. I rubbed my eyes and thought of my dream, what'd that other guy mean by 'monster land' and why me and Dean both looked like crap. I sat up and looked at the clock. 10:05. My eyes widened.

"Oh my God!" I yelled, waking Dean slightly.

"What's wrong, Cas?" He said, worriedly. I looked down at him.

"We're late!" I almost yelled, thinking about our classes. He rolled his eyes and propped up on his elbow.

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